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With the release of Thor: The Dark World this week, Marvel Studios have officially entered the era of the sequel; of their next two years of releases, there are a pair of sequels lined up with promises that at least Thor and The Avengers will have third films, based on actors’ existing contracts.Sequels are tricky; you’re suddenly bound by continuity, and in the case of the Marvel movies it isn’t just your own continuity from the first movie; your sequel has to jive logically and logistically with every movie the studio has made since the end of the Blade franchise.Meanwhile, if you’re replacing directors (which, in the case of Thor 2 they are), you’ve got to blaze your own trail in terms of creating a look and feel for the movie that’s your own–one that both meshes with the world of the first movie and distinguishes itself from it.
Star Wars The Matrix Game of Thrones Die Hard Ocean’s 12. Game of Thrones Graphic Policy Star Wars Thor: The Dark World Iron Man 3