While it might not be a real mobile game or movie yet, Unicorn Apocalypse seems to have been the big winner at the Oscars. Immediately after the Samsung Mobile commercials starting airing during the Academy Awards people started turning to Twitter to express their interest in a real Unicorn Apocalypse mobile game and movie.The Samsung mobile ads were actually a series of ads that told the story of the company behind the Unicorn Apocalypse video game. The story culminated with a 90 second commercial featuring Tim Burton detailing his vision for a Unicorn Apocalypse movie to be called Unicorn Apocalypse: Horn Of Darkness.In case you missed some of the commercials during the Oscars, Samsung Mobile has compiled them all together in one six minute long video, which we’ve embedded below. Also, be sure to check out Comicbook.com’s list of the top five reasons the Unicorn Apocalypse movie should actually be made.
Unicorn Apocalypse Full 6 Minute Trailer Now Online
While it might not be a real mobile game or movie yet, Unicorn Apocalypse seems to have been the […]