Because, it’s Deadpool. And who doesn’t love Deadpool?
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Geeks love Deadpool. People who don’t really know comics love Deadpool (or at least act like they know who Deadpool is because of that t-shirt they bought at Hot Topic). Creator Rob Liefeld definitely loves Deadpool. Deadpool loves Deadpool. Heck, DC Comics probably even loves Deadpool (have you seen what they’ve done with Harley Quinn?)
Okay, so we all love Deadpool, everything about him, and his comics. But how does that translate to Deadpool possibly being one of the best comic book movies ever? Let’s grab a chimichanga and take a look.
It’s Not Pulling Any Punches
Remember when we were all crying out for an R-Rating on the Deadpool movie?
Well, Deadpoolย himself smashed Mario Lopez in the head with a TV to let us knowย that our wish was granted. Deadpoolย will beย R-Rated, so anything goes. Okay, almost anything, but still.
Raunchy comedy. Violence. Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds in a Deadpoolย suit. TJ Miller improvising viscerally funny, crude lines of comedy. Three heads exploding on behalf of one bullet. What’s not to love about an R-Rated Deadpoolย movie? If you have an objection, speak now, or forever hold your peace/not enjoy anything fun in life.
No objections? Good.
Ryan Reynolds
ย Ryan Reynolds is the man. He was Van Wilder, for crying out loud. Now, he’s Deadpool. The real Deadpool…Not some mouth-sewn-shut knockoff.
Reynolds gets to be as raunchy as he wants, alongย with TJ Miller and a fantastic cast, in his ultimate love letter to comic book fans. It’s been said Reynolds was born to play Deadpool. Ok, maybe it’s just us who said that, but does anyone really disagree? Still no one speaking up? Didn’t think so. My bet is Reynolds birth certificate has a a few scribbles on it, with “Wade Wilson” scribbledย somewhere. After the mistreatment Reynolds endured in X-Men Origins (Ok, and Green Latern, too), and the considerable effort he put in to get this film off the ground, he deserves this role.ย
It’s Faithful To The Character
Deadpoolย looks like it will be so true to the comics that comic book readers are going to lose their marbles. Hopefullyย no grown men cry in this movie, but they might.
Have you seenย that costume? It literally looks like it’s a comic book pinupย brought to life. It may be the best comic book movie costume ever, which catapultsย Deadpoolย ahead of another recent Fox movie property (which won’t be named) withย just a trailer.
And let’s not forget that Deadpoolย will shatter the fourth wall into a million tiny pieces. The fourth wall – that non-existentย barrier between character and audience – well, Deadpoolย doesn’t care that, nor the rules of movies. He’s going to talk to us. He’s going to tell us to, “Cue the music,” and not to, “Make his super suit green or animated,” like Reynold’s last super hero endeavor.
Deadpoolย will be so comic book heavy that it might outclass some actual Deadpoolย comics.ย
It’s For The Fans
Do you remember how Deadpoolย came to be? Leaked footage. Followed by lots, and lots (and lots) of fan support.ย
While Fox originally passed on Reynolds’ Deadpoolย test footage, it somehow made its way to the Internet. Naturally, those brief but beautiful moments were enough to send fandom into an uproar.ย We had a small taste of something delicious, and we got hungry. And after enough campaigns, cries, and demands, Fox is now feeding us. Good thing, too, because the studio couldย use a win. The X-Men franchise is back on track, but Fantastic Four has earned them quite a bit of justifiable criticism. Deadpoolย is their way of paying us back.
But the true moral of the story, is that the Internet’sย uproar over the leaked footage told Fox that the audience is there. The fans want a Deadpoolย movie, andย we’re getting one in February.ย
It Jumpstarts A Year Of Great Comic Book Movies

ย Deadpool kicks off 2016, which just may be the best year of comic book movies in our life time.
He has the advantage of arriving prior to Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, Suicide Squad, and Doctor Strange.ย Each of those movies has the potential for being the best comic book movie ever, but they’ll have to pry the title out of Deadpool’s cold, dead hands. But at the very least, Deadpoolย will kickstart the year-long high all comic book fans will feel with the densestย comic book movie calendarย ever.
Deadpoolย might even top them. He’s gotย Ryan Reynolds in a gorgeous, comic book accurate suit, with a R-Rating allowing all sorts of appropriately inappropriate violence and humor, and characters like Colossus and Negasonicย Teenage Warhead. Oh, and a Stan Lee cameo, which The Wolverine and Fantastic Four didn’t have.ย
Deadpoolย may be, at least for a while, the best comic book movie ever.
What’s your favorite comic book movie of all-time? Think Deadpoolย could top it? Let us know in the comments!