In the saturated world of superhero comics, the Black Hammer universe created by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston is one the budding worlds that continues to constantly innovate and change, managing to standout with each passing title. From what started as one Eisner-winning comic book series has morphed into one of the biggest interconnected superhero universes not under the Marvel or DC umbrellas.
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Having penned previous spinoffs like Doctor Star & The King of Lost Tomorrows and Black Hammer ’45, Lemire tells that there are currently at least three additional properties in active development, at various stages along the production pipeline.
“I think at the moment, we have three, maybe four other series in various stages of production,” Lemire reveals. “Some of them pretty far along and being drawn and will be out soon, and then a couple of those that are just in the outlining, writing stages.”
The creator mentions to us that despite being a growing superhero world, there’s not really a blueprint in place for he and his colleagues to follow as they move along growing this acclaimed universe together.
“There’s no real master plan at this point,” he says. “It’s just if a story feels strong enough and it’s a story that really adds to the universe and says something different or I’m going to have fun doing it and get to work with great people and my schedule permits, I’ll do it. Then we’ve just got to keep going like that for now and see what happens.”
The latest spinoff series, Black Hammer ’45, was co-created with Lemire, Ray Fawkes, and Matt Kindt. The five-issue mini-series wrapped up just this past week and was set prior to any of the stories in the main title. Then later this summer, Lemire and Michael Walsh have teamed up to bring another five-issue mini-series to light when Abe Slam and company collide with the Justice League in the Black Hammer/Justice League crossover event.
Who’s your favorite Black Hammer character? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt!
Black Hammer: Age of Doom #11 is due out June 26th while Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #1 hits comics stores July 10th.