Marvel Announces New Doctor Strange Series

Doctor Strange is back from the dead to star in a new self-titled ongoing series in March. Stephen Strange was killed in the Death of Doctor Strange event, with Clea taking his place as Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme in Strange. Of course, superheroes usually don't stay dead for long, and a new volume of Doctor Strange will see the Master of the Mystic Arts reclaim his duties once again. Writer Jed MacKay was behind the wheel of Death of Doctor Strange and its Clea spinoff, and will continue to chart Doctor Strange's adventures in the new series.

Joining Jed MacKay on Doctor Strange is artist Pasqual Ferry, who is currently illustrating Namor: Conquered Shores and Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow. The series will find Doctor Strange investigating a shocking mystery that promises to strike at Strange's legacy and purpose. The journey that follows will harken back to the iconic hero's psychedelic and otherworldly storytelling, taking readers to places only Strange would dare to go and introducing enemies only he could hope to defeat, including a brand-new threat that Strange shares a personal connection with.

If that wasn't enough, Doctor Strange will also be receiving a revamped costume designed by legendary artist Alex Ross, who will also be the new cover artist.

Doctor Strange Creators on Launching a New Series

"After Death of Doctor Strange, after Strange, we open the next act in our ongoing saga of the Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Strange #1!" MacKay proclaimed. "It's been really exciting to have the opportunity to not only continue exploring the magical side of the Marvel Universe with the inhabitants of 177A Bleecker Street, but to follow the lives of the Stranges as the last year and a half has put them through the wringer. Pasqual has been putting together a truly magical book, and I'm super psyched to show people what's in store for Stephen and Clea Strange- and of course, we won't be giving them any time off after recent events..."

"When I started working for Marvel, there were three comics I had always wanted to draw: Fantastic FourSpider-Man, and Doctor Strange," Ferry said. "Why Doctor Strange? Because his stories include all the elements I love as an artist—the fantasy, science fiction, and imagination. Above all, the fact that I could look at Steve Ditko's work as a reference really motivates me! When he drew Doctor Strange, all the utopian and imaginary sceneries were incredible. So this is a very special moment in my career, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the character is going to take us with this new narrative. I know a lot of artists, including myself, consider Doctor Strange a challenge, like there is a need to add something new to the character because it offers you that possibility. For me, Doctor Strange is a big challenge, but I embrace it."

You can check out Alex Ross' cover of Doctor Strange #1, along with the issue's solicitation below. Doctor Strange #1 goes on sale March 3, 2022.

(Photo: Marvel Comics)
  • Written by JED MACKAY
  • Cover by ALEX ROSS
  • On Sale 3/22
  • Stephen Strange is back! Reunited with Clea and Wong, it's back to business as usual for the Sorcerer Supreme. Have your children fallen into a deep nightmarish slumber? Are demonic refugees invading your home? Is your husband possessed by a satanic entity? Then call Doctor Strange! But when someone else begins to issue their own dark justice on Strange's mightiest foes, Strange embarks on an interdimensional search for answers, only to discover the culprit may be closer to home than he thinks…