Marvel is bringing a ’90s favorite back into the spotlight for his own solo series, and that returning star is New Warriors’ member Nigh Thrasher. Night Thrasher is headlining a new four-issue solo series, but while the character is synonymous with the ’90s, he’s leaving all that behind and taking on the modern era. In addition to a new costume, Night Thrasher will also be rekindling his relationship with Silhouette. That reunion will lead Dwayne Taylor to a collision with an all-new arch-enemy known only as The O.G. and the revelation of their identity will have some serious ramifications for Taylor’s future and legacy.ย
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Night Thrasher will be written by J. Holtham (Cloak and Dagger, Jessica Jones) and drawn by Nelson Daniel, and the main cover to issue #1 will feature the art of Alan Quah. You can check out that slick new cover below, and you can read the full issue when it hits stores in February of 2024.

Discussing the series with host Angรฉlique Rochรฉ, Holtham said, “Obviously, there’s a ton of nineties nostalgia floating around. It feels like a dude on a skateboard is always going to be cool and fun. I’m from the nineties and I have aged and there’s a lot in this that is about, ‘What’s your legacy? What have you left behind?,’ especially because we haven’t seen him for a while.”
“He had to go on a journey of self-discovery and hung out other places for a while to process that ‘I was dead then I wasn’t dead.’ And then, ‘What’s the world like?’ It’s mostly about him coming home to deal with the crap that he has not dealt with,” Holtham said. You can find the official description below.
“It’s time to thrash the night! The death of a loved one draws Dwayne Taylor back to New York City, though his days as Night Thrasher are long over. But Dwayne finds the past difficult to outrun when Silhouette, his ex-teammate from the New Warriors, seeks his help against a new criminal called The O.G. And the mystery of the O.G.’s true identity and what’s to come will change Night Thrasher’s legacy forever!”
The New Warriors debuted in 1989 and were created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. The core group included Night Thrasher, Nova, Speedball, Justice, Namorita, and Firestar, though they have grown to include other members and roster lineups over the years. The New Warriors were later at the center of Marvel’s epic Civil War event, after the team’s battle against Nitro caused a massive explosion and killed over 600 people.ย
Taylor was killed in that explosion, as his body was discovered after the blast, and later his brother would take over the mantle. Months later it was revealed that Taylor didn’t die in the explosion, but had to fight in a Contenst of Champions in a different realm and would make a return thanks to The Ultimates. Now he’s still reconciling with everything that happened, and old ties will lead him back to New York to face his past and new threats.