What if Kahhori reshaped the Marvel Comics Universe? After making her debut in season 2 of the multiverse-spanning Marvel Animation series What If…?, Kahhori — a Native-Mohawk woman voiced by Reservation Dogs‘ Devery Jacobs — will crossover into Earth-616 prime in the one-shot comic Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds #1.
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Out November 16th in honor of Native American Heritage Month, the Marvel Voices special is written by Kahhori’s co-creator, Ryan Little, and Indigenous creators Arihhonni “Honni” David (the I Like to Read books Who Will Win? and The Good Game) and Kelly Lynne D’Angelo (Spirit Rangers and Dungeons & Dragons Candlekeep Mysteries) in their Marvel Comics debuts with art by David Cutler (Marvel’s Voices: Heritage special), Jim Terry (Marvel’s Chee’ilth), and a cover by Afua Richardson (Black Panther: World of Wakanda).

The just-announced spinoff comic picks up after the events of the season 2 episode “What If… Kahhori Reshaped the World?,” which took place in a reality where the Space Stone — the cosmic cube known as the Tesseract — survived Asgard’s destruction at the hands of Surtur and fell to Earth, landingin the sovereign Haudenosaunee Confederacy beforethe colonization of America. She reappeared in the season 2 finale, joining forces with Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell) when Doctor Strange Supreme (Benedict Cumberbatch) began capturing variant “universe-killers.”
“The Mohawk warrior Kahhori fell into Sky World and into our hearts fromher first appearance fighting invaders to her home. She’s already helpedsave all of reality from a demented Doctor Strange and secured peace in her own world… So what NOW?” the synopsis states. “Award-winning storyteller Ryan Little launches Kahhori into the 616!Chasing a threat out of Sky World, she lands in the fiery streets ofHell’s Kitchen! But culture shock’s gonna be the least of her problemsas her strange adversary tears through NYC. Featuring exciting gueststars and the comics debuts of some extraordinary creators, Marvel’sVoices brings you an extra-special anthology celebrating Indigenousheritage and one of the most exciting characters to emerge from the MCU!”
“Kahhori, pronounced ‘KAH-HORTI,’ is a real, Wolf Clan name, meaning’she stirs the forest’ or is someone who motivates those around her,” Little told Marvel.com about the original creation. Marvel Animation — including director Bryan Andrews, executive producer A.C. Bradley, and story editor Matthew Chauncey — developed Kahhori in close collaboration with members of the Mohawk Nation, historianDoug George and Mohawk language expert Cecelia King, to ensure culturalauthenticity.
Marvel Voices: Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds #1 goes on sale November 16th from Marvel Comics.