The finale of The Mighty Thor arrives this week, marking the end of Jane Foster‘s time with Mjolnir. Over the past several years, she has become a key hero in The Avengers and for Asgard, and The Mighty Thor has remained one of the best titles published by Marvel Comics. It will be a difficult goodbye to say the least.
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Foster’s incredible stint as the God of Thunder got us thinking about the other heroes who have wielded Mjolnir over the years. In both canonical and “What Ifโฆ” comics, many have picked up the hammer and found themselves worthy. That’s why we’re looking at them all and ranking their tales against one another to see how they stack up.
The one rule is that every character must have lifted Mjolnir. No tricks, like when Hulk held on to the hammer appearing to control it, or other hammers, like when Loki gifted Storm or Deadpool their own versions, are allowed. So let’s dig in to see how the best wielder of Mjolnir besides Thor himself really is.
11. Rogue

Created by Chris Claremont and Michael Golden
First Appearance: Avengers Annual (vol. 1) #10
When They Lifted Mjolnir: What If? (vol. 2) #66
Rogue only lifted Mjolnir in a “what if” story after somehow absorbing Thor’s worthiness along with his metahuman abilities. Rogue herself was far less than worthy in this particular tale, quickly using the hammer to kill multiple Avengers. While the issue itself is entertaining, there’s little heroism to be found in Rogue’s brief tenure.
10. Black Widow

Created by Stan Lee, Don Rico, and Don Heck
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense (vol. 1) #52
When They Lifted Mjolnir: What If?: Age of Ultron #3
Black Widow’s “what if” story contains much more heroism, largely generated by desperation. After every metahuman on Earth is destroyed by Ultron, Black Widow makes a last ditch gambit to take the power of Thor and win the day. It’s a very brief story, but one that raises questions as to what exactly makes someone worthy and certainly offering redemption for Widow’s past crimes.
9. Wonder Woman

Created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #8
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Marvel Vs. DC #3
Wonder Woman found that lifting Mjolnir was no struggle at all when Marvel and DC Comics collided, reflecting the honorable warrior fans know her to be. However, she barely had time to wield the hammer, electing to set it aside to create a fair fight between her and Storm. That proved to be a mistake as Storm used her control of lightning to assert a quick victory.
8. Conan the Barbarian

Created by Robert E. Howard, Roy Thomas, and Barry Smith
First Appearance: Conan the Barbarian (vol. 1) #1
When They Lifted Mjolnir: What If? (vol. 1) #39
Conan takes up Mjolnir to continue the legacy of Thor after the god perishes in this “What Ifโฆ” story. It reveals a much more noble side to the classic barbarian, proven in his relentless quest for justice and thoughtful eulogy for Thor. This is a great duo that will hopefully be recreated at Marvel Comics soon, and one that finds a true brother-in-arms for Thor, even if it’s only a hypothetical.
7. Superman

Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
First Appearance: Action Comics (vol. 1) #1
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Marvel Vs. DC #4
There is no greater superhero than Superman, and that has everything to do with who he is, not his level of strength. For that reason, it came as no surprise in Marvel Vs. DC when Superman lifted Mjolnir and Captain America’s shield to lead both universes into final victory. That moment still represents the shared mission of both universes, reflecting the best they have to offer in the fight for truth and justice.
6. Thunderstrike

Created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz
First Appearance: Thor (vol. 1) #391
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Thor (vol. 1) #391
Erik Masterson is the first hero on this list to canonically wield Mjolnir. However, his time with the hammer has not aged well as Thunderstrike has slid into the C-list of Marvel superheroes. Looking back, he served primarily as a simulacrum for Thor himself, showing a worthy spirit, but not many other interesting or notable characteristics.
5. Captain America

Created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Thor (vol. 1) #390
Cap is as obviously worthy as Superman, and thus it came as only a minor shock when he lifted Mjolnir for the first time. It is a great note in the long relationship between Steve Rogers and Thor, a man who earned the respect of a god who would follow him anywhere. Even after Thor’s human alter-ego was removed from the comic, moments like this reminded readers that heroes from any walk of life could be found worthy.
4. Puddlegulp

Created by Chris Eliopoulos and Ig Guara
First Appearance: Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1
The original Throg (Thor-Frog) was actually a transformed version of Thor himself. However, the frogs of Central Park were still in need of protection, and so a sliver of Mjolnir was left behind to empower this noble amphibian. Puddlegulp is not only adorable, but an excellent source of fun adventures and a reminder the animal kingdom contains heroes as well.
3. Awesome Andy

Created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #15
When They Lifted Mjolnir: She-Hulk (vol. 2) #14
When he was the Awesome Android, servant of the Mad Thinker, Andy mimicked Thor’s noble drive as well as his strength and was briefly able to lift the hammer. That moment is what inspired him to take control of his own life and work for just causes. It’s an excellent scene that shows how Thor and Mjolnir can inspire others to great works. This origin story also gave us Awesome Andy as he exists today, and that is a gift all on its own.
2. Beta Ray Bill

Created by Walt Simonson
First Appearance: Thor (vol. 1) #337
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Thor (vol. 1) #337
It was stunning when Beta Ray Bill took Mjolnir in his very first appearance, but by the end of that story it could not have seemed less surprising. Bill is Thor’s interstellar brother from another mother, someone every bit as dedicated to his people and their protection that he allowed his body to be destroyed and remade as a superpowered machine of war. That seed of worthiness has blossomed into a great career as superhero and the wielder of Mjolnir’s twin hammer,ย Stormbreaker.
1. Jane Foster

Created by Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, and Larry Lieber
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (vol. 1) #84
When They Lifted Mjolnir: Thor (vol. 4) #1
After the past few years, it is impossible to give the top spot on this list to anyone besides Jane Foster. She has recreated the story of Dr. Donald Blake from the original comics and updated it for the modern day. The morals have remained the same though, focused on how an ordinary human can be empowered by their own virtue and accomplish incredible tasks. Jane Foster did just that and inspired fictional Marvel heroes as well as very real readers along the way.