Scott Snyder and Tony Daniel Launch Kickstarter for Nocternal, New Series From Image Comics

After becoming a bonafide comics superstar with series like American Vampire, Batman, Wytches, and [...]

After becoming a bonafide comics superstar with series like American Vampire, Batman, Wytches, and Justice League, Scott Snyder is taking his talents to crowdfunding with the launch of a brand new Kickstarter for his newest ongoing comic series Nocternal. Collaborating with Batman artist Tony Daniel, the two are charting a different kind of post-apocalyptic adventure for Image Comics under Snyder's new label Best Jacket, offering fans the chance to get a special edition printing of the first issue that will stand out on the bookshelf. So while fans will be able to pick up the comic from their local retailer, Snyder and Daniel are hoping fans take advantage of the opportunity to be a part of the story's production.

In an exclusive interview with, Snyder said the Kickstarter campaign for Nocternal #1 allows fans be directly involved with the book and possibly snag a sweet hardcover exclusive of the first issue.

(Photo: Tony Daniel)

"Right now, we're focused on making the campaign something that lets people feel connected to the book's production, to us, our creative process, our collaboration, all of it," explained Snyder. "We want to raise enough money to make sure we can safeguard the production of the book through the first arc in case of any COVID-related disruptions, but the campaign itself is designed around the idea of connection. It's all about trying to offer something personal and collectible for fans in a time when real life circumstances are keeping us apart."

Snyder provided a plot synopsis for Nocternal, which sets up the series premise of a world stuck in a perpetual state of darkness:

Nocternal takes place ten years after the world is plunged into an everlasting night that turns all living creatures into monstrous "shades." Enter Valentina "Val" Riggs, a skilled "ferryman" who transports people and goods along deadly unlit roads with her heavily illuminated eighteen-wheeler. When an old man promising sanctuary offers Val a job to drive him and his granddaughter up through the Rocky Mountains, she takes it, hoping there might be some truth to his claim. What she finds in the end, though, is something much more horrifying than any shade...

(Photo: Tony Daniel and Scott Snyder)

The campaign currently offers various tiers that allow backers to see how Snyder and Daniel are creating Nocternal from the ground up, but the main offering that could prove most popular is the signed 72-page hardcover edition of Nocternal #1 for $45 pledges. The black-and-white printing includes process material for Daniel's line work as well as Snyder's scripts, showing an in-depth look at the collaboration.

Some comics enthusiasts might be concerned for how the Kickstarter campaign could bypass local comic book retailers, but Snyder said they're looking out for those shops with a special option that also supports a non-profit that has proven to be vital throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

"We're offering a whole separate option for retailers through a service called Corner Box," Snyder said. "They can order a special edition of the softcover book with a different cover, at a reduced price, and ten percent of the proceeds from that go to BINC."

"I really don't think anyone's ever released anything like this before, ahead of a series debut," said Daniel in a press release. "Publishers release ashcans at conventions, but we're excited to share a rare look at how the comic gets made, especially since Scott's scripts are almost never seen by comic fans."

(Photo: Tony Daniel)

The funding goal of $40,000 will reportedly cover the production of the book, printing the special editions, the rewards from stretch goals, and the various fees from Kickstarter and the fulfillment services. Other funds will go to production of the rest of the first six issues.

Check out the Kickstarter campaign to see all of the rewards and learn more about Snyder and Daniels' Nocternal.