Todd McFarlane's Spawn Kickstarter Crosses Half A Million Dollars In Less Than Six Hours

Todd McFarlane’s Spawn Kickstarter launched just about six hours ago and he’s already raised [...]

Todd McFarlane's Spawn Kickstarter launched just about six hours ago and he's already raised half a million dollars. The creator kicked the fundraising into gear to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the character. The Spawn toys from all the way back in 1995 are what the "remastered" figure is based on and fans were all-in from the word go. The current toy market owes a lot to McFarlane and his running mates. Taking the most memorable elements from the 1995 version and giving them a modern update of ravenous fans is basically a slam dunk.

Back in '95, the original toy came with a comic of it's own. The bundle was created to entice fans who might not be into toy collecting to pick a figure up. McFarlane is committed to bringing the comic up to date as well, with modern presentation that toy connoisseurs of today not only expect, but crave.

"The first figure came out in '95, so technically, we're at a 25-year anniversary of the release of that original toy," McFarlane told earlier. "So, there's a bit of an event, but that first year, the toys also came with a comic book. So, it was this weird combo that you don't usually get. And so, I was going to experiment with crowdfunding anyway, just to see how it may work out because I've obviously, I've sold to small stores, big stores, and Internet sites. I've done it through my own, but I've never done a crowdfunding. And so, it's an experiment.

He continued, "I don't know how it will or will not work until I do it. So, at some point I just said, 'It's time for us to do it.' And now you combine it with what's happening in the world in real time and all the comic shops essentially going dark, so there's no comic books. But it doesn't mean that our geekiness goes away. We're still fans, it's just we don't have access now to new books, and to something fun that reminds us that we're geeks."

Spawn's Masterworks figure is live on Kickstarter right now. The figure stands at 7" tall, and comes with a big folding cape and weapon. A bonus of being from the future is that the current model will have more than double the articulation that the figure had back then. McFarlane is also going to re-draw the comic in the bundle too. The entire thing comes in a collector's box with a special slipcover to preserve the figure's condition, along with the comic and packaging. Blister packaging will also mimic the first release, but with some added tweaks to bring it up to speed.

Will you be pitching in? Let us know down in the comments!