The Berkowitz Brothers Tease What To Expect From The Writer #3

The next issue of Josh Gad's Dark Horse comic hits the stands tomorrow.

Dark Horse Comics's The Writer, written by Ben and Max Berkowitz with actor and producer Josh Gad, is crossing its midway point. This week, The Writer #3 hits the stands, with the penultimate issue featuring a trip into the Unknown World for Stan, Izzy, and Liz -- complete with a confrontation with King Solomon along the way. The series, which incorporates elements of Jewish mythology (as illustrated by beloved artist Ariel Olivetti) with superhero tropes, debuted in June. The four-issue miniseries is set to be the first in a series of stories featuring Stan Siegel, a character modeled on Gad who becomes an unlikely hero.

We spoke to the Berkowitz brothers and Gad earlier this year, but with the midway point coming up, it seemed like a good time to check back in with Stan and company. We asked them about the progress of the story, which sees Stan starting to really embrace his destiny and face some larger-than-life battles.

(Photo: Ariel Olivetti / Dark Horse Comics)

"This issue was such a blast to write because it's where things really start to click for both Stan and the reader," Ben Berkowitz told ComicBook. "Up until now, Stan's been along for the ride, but here's where the question arises: 'Is what's happening around him somehow influenced by his thoughts and feelings?' It's almost like Stan's waking up to the fact that he's not just a passenger on this journey. It's been so exciting to explore that slow burn of realization, where he starts to feel that his mind, like any writer's, is far more dangerous and powerful than he realizes."

"We're not just telling a story; we're diving deep into what it means to be a writer, grappling with the power of thought and imagination," Max Berkowitz explained. "Stan's in the thick of it, questioning how much of this reality he's created or influenced without even knowing it. The fun comes from pulling the reader along with him as he starts to understand that his thoughts may have real consequences."

Of course, while the first issue was more or less an action movie with car chases and contemporary imagery, we are getting deeper and deeper into fantasy elements as the story goes. Olivetti is a perfect choice for a series that has to work with such a broad range, and the writers of The Writer say it's been a thrill seeing what he has brought to the book.

"It has been pure joy bringing in all these fantastic creatures and stories from Jewish mythology and putting our own spin on them," said Ben Berkowitz. "An approach that was very much inspired by our friend Mignola and the Mignolaverse. Ariel's work has been a huge part of that. He has this operatic, almost biblical gonzo style that explodes off the page. With this issue, we're bringing mythological figures like Lilith and Naamah to life, while also highlighting a profound real-life event – Operation Solomon – and introducing it to a broader audience. It's a powerful mix of personal, historical, and mythological storytelling, all wrapped up in one."

"Ariel was a dream to work with on this issue," added Max Berkowitz. "Ariel combines something as grand and epic as Jewish folklore with modern, emotional stakes. Seeing Liz, a character inspired by our mom, come to life in this world that's both grounded and completely surreal has been one of the most meaningful parts of the process. It mixes heart and history – from exploring real-life events like Operation Solomon to conjuring creatures that feel larger than life. That blend of mythology and personal connection made this issue so special to all of us." 

The Writer #3 will be in comic shops tomorrow. You can also snag a copy of all three issues on digital marketplaces like ComiXology/Kindle, Google Books, and more.