After set designers and linguists worked together to create a functioning, fascinating Kryptonian language for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, there was apparently a scene in which Russell Crowe’s Jor-El actually spoke the language — but the scene was cut.
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During an interview with the SuperHouse Podcast, linguist Dr. Christine Schreyer recited some Kryptonese of her own, and told the podcaster that Crowe had some of the language in the film at one point.
“They did film a few pieces because people got really excited about it, but it was in the middle of production and they were thrown in and they didn’t really flow with everything else, so they got cut out,” explained Schreyer.
She said that the Kryptonian came in when Jor-El was talking to Superman.
Schreyer has also helped to create other languages, such as those spoken by Rita Repulsa and others in the Power Rangers movie.
No scenes featuring Jor-El’s Kryptonese appeared on the Blu-ray for Man of Steel, which did include various production featurettes and an extensive audio/video commentary by Snyder.