Supergirl‘s 100th episode aired on Sunday night, celebrating the show’s storied run in a wide array of ways. The episode saw Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) revisiting her history as a superhero – and her relationship with Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) – in an attempt to see if there was anything she could’ve done differently. Along the way, fans got reacquainted with a rogue’s gallery of characters from past seasons, but it sounds like there’s some that could’ve still factored in. recently got to chat with co-showrunners Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller, who revealed that they would’ve loved to see Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) and James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) return, if both of the actors’ schedules permitted it.
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“I think in terms of our storytelling, given the framework of the episode, I think we went back to the places we wanted to go back to,” Rovner told “It would have been lovely and wonderful if Calista could have been available to come back for it. Mehcad was off shooting a movie so he wasn’t available to come back for it.”
“Yes. But we’re so thrilled with the episode,” Queller added. “And we were just crazy about Tom Lennon’s performance and how buoyant and magical he is. And it’s really one of our favorite all-time episodes.”
“And even without them being available, we wanted to make sure that they were a part of the episode,” Rovner added. “And so, Calista is referenced in her image is in it, and the same with Mehcad, we’ve gone back to scenes with him.”
While some Supergirl fans will probably be sad that Cat and James didn’t factor into the episode, it’s hard to deny that the installment featured quite a lot of other familiar faces.
“One of the reasons we framed the episode with Supergirl, with Kara, Alex and J’onn was, at the heart of the show, that’s our family, and so that felt very familial to us when they’re sitting on the couch at the end of the episode together, toasting with French fries,” Rovner told “It’s about this family that they’ve created together. And so it’s nice. I think what’s lovely about our show is that even when people leave, there’s always a place for them to come back and it’s like a family reunion. Reconnect with us and then go off to live their own lives. So, they’re never forgotten.”
Supergirl airs Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.