Enter For A Chance To Win All 9 Covers For Action Comics #1000

Did you get to your comic shop today only to discover that the Action Comics #1000 cover you’d […]

Did you get to your comic shop today only to discover that the Action Comics #1000 cover you’d been hoping for was already sold out? Well, you could be in luck: DC and ComicBook.com are teaming up to give three lucky readers an Action Comics #1000 prize pack.

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The prizes include a complete set of Action Comics #1000 decade variants, along with Jim Lee’s standard cover for the issue and a copy of Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman.

Most of the covers are not by artists who were active in the period, but rather artists whose work feels inspired by the period, with Steve Rude tackling the Superman of the 1930s, Frank Cho covering the Superman of the ’40s, and Watchmen‘s Dave Gibbons hitting the ’50s. As the eras begin to be closer to today, though, they start to recruit people who worked in that era or at least that style.

Madman creator Michael Allred, who recently did a lot of work on Batman ’66 for DC (and is thus as suited for the ’60s as Rude is for the Golden Age) provides that cover, while Steranko tackles the ’70s. Steranko has only done a small number of DC stories over the years (yes, including one Superman tale), and as far as we can tell, his only previous DC cover was a variant for Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1.

Joshua Middleton represents the ’80s, which is a big puzzling considering that Middleton began his career in 2000 and there are plenty of artists from the ’80s still active….but it’s something fans are likely to overlook considering the popularity of Middleton’s work on Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder.

Dan Jurgens, the outgoing writer on Action Comics and arguably the definitive Superman artist of the ’90s, will tackle the ’90s cover (a task he was given when Superman Unchained launched a few years ago). Meanwhile, Lee Bermejo, who recently did an exclusive Justice League theatrical poster, will draw one inspired by the 2000s.

According to a report earlier this month, Action Comics has sold more than 500,000 copies to comic shops.

You can submit your entry in the attached form.

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