There has undeniably been a lot to take in in Batwoman‘s second season, as the genesis of Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) becoming Gotham’s newest Caped Crusader has already been marked with ups and downs. With the circumstances of her Kryptonite injury only growing direr — and the search for Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) manifesting in a similar way — fans have been curious to see exactly where the story goes next. If you need to catch up on the most essential details and storylines from Batwoman‘s latest episode, we’re here to help. Here are the biggest reveals and Easter eggs from “It’s Best You Stop Digging.” Obviously, spoilers for Season 2, Episode 7 of Batwoman, “It’s Best You Stop Digging”, below! Only look if you want to know!
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Luke and Mary treat Ryan’s Kryptonite injury, which is now causing her to have visions of her getting revenge on Alice. Mary suggests asking Jacob to bring back a Desert Rose from Coryana, but Luke doesn’t think it can work. Ryan puts on the Batsuit, steals the Batmobile, and begins to hallucinate her mother. She visits Angelique in her apartment and asks for information on Ocean — and also learns that Angelique is cheating on her with another girl. Angelique tells her Ocean’s location, and then pushes her off of the balcony onto a car below. Mary and Luke rescue Ryan from being found by the Crows, but Ryan continues to have hallucinations — including one directly confronting Alice. Ryan wakes up and tells Mary she wants to find Ocean and Alice, even if it’s the last thing she does.
Alice brings Tatiana Ocean’s “body”, all as a ploy to kidnap and interrogate her about the lost memories. As Tatiana explains, Alice and Safiyah initially bonded over their shared hatred of Catherine Hamilton, and Safiyah decided to have Ocean train Alice into becoming one of Coryana’s loyal assassins. Alice and Ocean initially disliked each other, but clearly had feelings for each other — which made Safiyah jealous, because she had feelings for Alice, which she showed by trusting her with the secret and backstory of the Desert Rose. Ocean then told Alice that he was going to smuggle out Desert Rose and asked her to join him, and they hooked up. Safiyah found out and had them both brainwashed — leading to Alice becoming the evil persona that Safiyah knew she was capable of. When Tatiana tells Alice this, she goes and says her goodbyes to Ocean, and decides to make her way to Coryana.
Alice is then confronted by Batwoman, who takes off her cowl and wig and reveals her identity. Ryan tries to fight Alice, but her Kryptonite injuries make it painful. She gets close to killing Alice, but hallucinations of her mother stop her from doing so. Alice and Tatiana travel back to Coryana, and Ryan reveals that she put a tracker on Alice to follow her to Coryana.
Sophie and Jacob track down Ethan Rogers, the doctor who caused Amygdala to kidnap Jacob and Mary. Along the way, Sophie reveals to Jacob that she knew about Mary’s clinic, but hid it from him for good reason. They track down Rogers and his fellow scientists, all of whom have died from injecting themselves with Desert Rose-laced blood, and they also find the map missing. Jacob vows to stop at nothing to find and save Kate.