Tobias inspects his wounds while standing in front of a mirror. He walks down a hallway with Syonide and meets Martin Proctor. Proctor congratulates Tobias on recovering from his injuries, and says that he wants Tobias to take over Lady Eve’s operation.
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Martin then explains how the ASA accidentally created metahumans, and that the serum led to metahumans dying before they reached their full potential, and that Green Light has not been any more successful. Martin asks Tobias to bring Black Lightning back to him alive, so he can study how the vaccine worked on him. He then offers Tobias some help: Khalil, who has fully healed from his injuries.
Lynn tells Jefferson to come over for help, only for him to find her in a nightgown. They kiss, and Jefferson’s electricity flows through Lynn’s body.
Jefferson and Lynn lay in bed. Lynn explains that the events of the past year have helped her realize that she accepts and loves Jefferson no matter what. She says that she can’t ignore the fact that she loves him, but that they shouldn’t tell Jennifer and Anissa about them reconnecting yet. He agrees, and they kiss.
Syonide brings a man named Dwayne to Tobias, who thanks him for helping him survive the shootout. He then criticizes Dwayne for allowing Tori to die, and chokes him and throws him across the room. Syonide shoots Dwayne, and Tobias laughs.
Jefferson drives to work and sees Khalil walking. He says that he’s happy for Khalil, and asks if he’ll be coming back to school. Khalil says he won’t, because of the bullying he endured when in the wheelchair. Jefferson suggests that Khalil not forget his education, and then asks Khalil exactly how he was able to walk again. Khalil reassures that no one is taking advantage of him, and that Jefferson was actually the one who exploited him, and didn’t let Jennifer near him after his accident.
Gambi is surprised to hear that Khalil is walking again. He and Jefferson suspect that Khalil’s surgery was performed by the ASA. Anissa comes in, and the three of them decide to track down Proctor. Gambi decides to go to one of his resources, and that he doesn’t care if Proctor hunts him down because of it.
Lynn performs tests on Jennifer, and suggests that she try to find a new hobby to further accept her powers.
Jefferson visits Khalil’s mom, who says that she believed Khalil was in California being treated for his spinal injury. Khalil’s mom mentions that a man named Martin offered Khalil the surgery.
Gambi meets with Tommy, a weapons dealer he previously met. He asks for information on finding Proctor, and gives him 48 hours to do so.
Jefferson visits Jennifer in her bedroom. He explains the altercation he had with Khalil, and tells Jennifer to stay away from him. Jennifer then reveals the research that Lynn is doing — to essentially reverse Jennifer’s meta gene. Jennifer then gets a text from Khalil and leaves.
Jefferson confronts Lynn about the study she’s doing with Jennifer. He accuses her of going behind his back, and decides that he doesn’t want them to get back together.
Jennifer finds Khalil on the roof of their original house. He shows that he can walk again, and she says she’s happy for him. He apologizes for how they broke up, and shows her the metal implant in his spine. Jennifer asks who did the procedure, and he gets defensive. He jumps directly off the roof, landing safely below.
Khalil meets with Tobias, who explains that he wants to track down Black Lightning and lure him out at Garfield High. Khalil agrees. Tobias threatens that if things go wrong, he’ll rip Khalil’s spinal implant out and kill him.
Lala meets with and intimidates some of his men. He gets a phone call from a mysterious voice, which visibly upsets him.
Lala meets with Tommy.
Jennifer asks Lynn about the metahuman procedure she’s developing. As she explains, she’s not trying to “fix” Jennifer, she’s just beginning the research process to see what options are available for metahuman children.
Anissa tells Jefferson and Gambi what she discovered about the ASA’s operation. They hear a police scanner talk about an incident at Garfield High, and Jefferson and Anissa leave to help.
Khalil walks through Garfield High with superpowered gauntlets. He shoots several students with special darts, and tosses a teacher through a display case. Jennifer tries to stop him, but he doesn’t listen.
Kara begins to evacuate students, as Black Lightning and Thunder come in. Gambi reveals that he doesn’t have access to the school’s security cameras, and Jefferson and Anissa split up.
Anissa fights Syonide in one of the classrooms. Jennifer watches through a window, and tries to trigger her own powers to help.
Jefferson finds Tobias down a hallway. Gambi realizes that Tobias is wearing some sort of under-armor, and tells Jefferson not to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. The pair continue to fight anyway.
Anissa continues fighting Syonide, ultimately knocking her out. Gambi gets on the comms, telling Anissa she needs to help Jefferson.
Jefferson fights Tobias, only for Khalil to arrive. Gambi suggests that Jefferson blast Khalil and paralyze him again, but he hesitates. Jefferson is then shot with one of Khalil’s darts, and knocked out by Khalil and Tobias.
Tobias takes Jefferson’s pulse, and is disappointed to find that he’s dead. Tobias goes to unmask Jefferson, but Anissa arrives and distracts them until they leave. Jennifer arrives, and starts crying that Jefferson won’t wake up. Her hands accidentally shock Jefferson, which bring him back to life.
Gambi brings the Pierce family to a cabin. He tries to make sure they’re hidden from the ASA’s detection.
Proctor asks Kara about what happened at the school, and if Black Lightning actually ended up dying. He orders Kara to bring Black Lightning and Thunder’s bodies to him.
Syonide brings Lala to Tobias. Lala tries to shoot Tobias, but Tobias convinces him not to. He thanks him for killing the weapons dealer, and offers him a place in their plan. Lala accepts.