The season finale of the Flash’s Second Season is going to have some huge ramifications for the series, and perhaps the CW as a whole, moving forward. With Barry Allen deciding to run to the past to save his mother from her death at the hands of the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne, it would seem that the much talked about “Flashpoint” storyline is in the card for the series. While Flashpoint seems like a certainty thanks to the similar origins of the tale, could we be seeing something even bigger coming down the pike for the CW later this year? Comicbook.com fan, Chuck Garcia, points out that the legendary DC storyline, “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, is all set for arrival in the world of the “Arrow-verse”. Let’s dig in and see what clues are out there!
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When you think of the original “Crisis”, the two major characters that were essential to the story were the Flash and Supergirl. Wouldn’t you know it, both characters are now able to be used at will with both sharing a home at the CW. Following Kara Zor-El’s stint at CBS, it was decided that the show would switch to the CW moving forward, which puts her right at home with her super hero friends in the forms of Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. Having a giant crossover that incorporates all four of these shows would be bold but would be the shot in the arm that these series need to rally excitement even higher.

Another big hint is that a “Crisis” is already set in stone with the very first episode of the Flash showing a glimpse into the future via Harrison Wells. When Wells, secretly Eobard Thawne assuming the deceased scientist’s identity, entered his secret room in STAR Labs, it was revealed that he had a window into the events of the future. Through a newspaper sitting on display, it stated that a “crisis” was threatening the world of tomorrow with the Flash seemingly disappearing to combat it. In the comics, we know that Barry Allen meets his fate, for a time at least, battling the “Anti-Monitor” in the pages of Crisis on Infinite Earths. It’s entirely possible that the CW sets up a galactic level villain, at least similar to A.M., to threaten the heroes of their numerous shows.
Also, a huge sticking point in Crisis is the idea of multiple earths being threatened all at once, and once again, multiple earths have already been established as part of the Flash’s second season. I think that, as it stands, the Flash acts as the central hub of the CW, based in both story and popularity, and with the events of the second season finale, it would be wise to have a huge crossover linking all the shows together, as they had somewhat done this season with the Arrow/Flash/Hawk folk episodes this season.
What do you all think? Do you have your own fan theory you’d like to see featured on Fan Fridays? Drop us a line at fans@comicbook.com and yours might be our next theory!