Flash to Fight Two Big Bads in Season 3

The Flash (Season 3) - Official Comic-Con... by comicbookdotcomThe Flash will be going up against [...]

The Flash (Season 3) - Official Comic-Con... by comicbookdotcom

The Flash will be going up against two new villains this season. At The Flash's SDCC panel this afternoon, producer Todd Helbing revealed that Barry Allen and his allies would be facing two "big bads" this season, one of whom will be familiar to DC fans.

"We're doing a really cool thing this year that we haven't done before," Helbing said. "One of them is a speedster that we'll reveal later and one is Dr. Alchemy."

Doctor Alchemy is a longtime Flash villain, who uses a Philospher's Stone (the classic alchemical kind, not the Harry Potter stone) to transform elements into other elements. There have been multiple villains who have used the name Doctor Alchemy in DC continuity, including a chemist named Albert Desmond who suffers from a multiple personality disorder and a corrupt Keystone Police lab assistant named Alexander Petrov.

The panel also revealed the first trailer for The Flash's third season, which shows the aftermath of Barry racing back in time to save his mother, creating a "Flashpoint" timeline. We see a more serious Cisco running "Ramon Industries" as well as Wally West as Kid Flash. The mystery speedster (dressed in a black costume) and Dr. Alchemy also appear in the trailer, although Alchemy's appearance is certainly a "blink and you'll miss it" moment.