'Gotham' Celebrates Halloween With "Mr. J" Season 5 Teaser

If there's one person who knows how to go all out for Halloween, it's the Joker, and Gotham's spin [...]

If there's one person who knows how to go all out for Halloween, it's the Joker, and Gotham's spin on the classic character is pulling out all the stops this year.

To celebrate Halloween, Gotham released a new teaser first thing Wednesday morning, and it's all about Mr. J. You can check it out in the video above!

Most of the teaser is spent recapping the story of the Valeska brothers, Jerome and Jeremiah, both of whom are played by Cameron Mongahan. Jerome spent multiple seasons becoming Gotham's version of the Joker, though the show never called him that. He performed iconic storylines from the comics, and was nothing short of maniacal in his approach to villainy. However, it was revealed in Season 4 that he had a brother named Jeremiah, who seemed to be normal. Little did we know, Jeremiah would turn out even more dangerous than his brother, bringing the smart, sophisticated parts of the Joker to life.

It's now Jeremiah who acts as the biggest villain for Bruce Wayne in Gotham, and, heading into the final season, all eyes will likely be on him. After all, it was Jeremiah who caused the No Man's Land event that essentially ruined the city.

Despite the success of his "project," Jeremiah still has work to do. According to Monaghan, the character won't be content until he wins over, or defeats Bruce Wayne.

"It was interesting in the last season," Monaghan told ComicBook.com. "His plan succeeded. He destroyed Gotham. He marooned it. He created his maze and his image and all this stuff, which is rare for any villain to succeed. So I think that he's enjoying that he's king of the roost and he's sort of working within the shadows with a lot of respect and he's sort of the big boogeyman in the city right now. I think he's enjoying that and it's giving him a sense of ego and hubris. He has got a girlfriend now and he's more successful than he's ever been. I think that that level of success is also causing him to lose his sense of equilibrium a little bit. He's a bit more manic and unstable than what we've ever seen him before.

"I think that what's driving him right now and what his plan and what he's building is, he's always working or building something, is Bruce. Bruce is his special project. It's the one thing that's bothering him and nagging him because it's the one thing he didn't succeed at. That's what we see with him now is he's happyish but he's still unsatisfied because he needs to show Bruce how much he loves him, or his twisted version of love."

Are you excited for Gotham's final season to arrive? Let us know in the comments!