Though Superman‘s return in Justice League was a badly kept secret, seeing the Blue Boy Scout stand alongside the other iconic heroes of the DC Universe was a monumental moment for fans. But some were still disappointed in how it was executed.
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As some new footage from deleted scenes start coming to light ahead of the release of Justice League on digital HD, and fan Jon Arryn Garza is cutting together a version of Superman’s return that also makes use of footage from Man of Steel. Check it out above!
After Warner Bros. released a deleted scene that proves Superman’s black costume was planned to appear in some capacity, communities were reignited with a passion for Zack Snyder‘s cut of the movie.
With the news that Joss Whedon was coming on board for extensive rewrites and additional photography, replacing Snyder in the director’s chair, fans braced themselves for a mishmash of movie styles. When Justice League hit theaters, it was marred by complaints of uneven pacing and bad CGI, particularly in scenes where Superman’s mustache was edited out.
Superman’s return in general was a point of criticism, especially since it was mostly motivated out of his own personal circumstances at the behest of his mother and Lois Lane. This fan edit doesn’t negate those scenes, but instead brings it more in line with the beginning of the film in which Superman is inspired by humanity.
Snyder’s DC Comics-based projects have usually been divisive among critics and fans due to his unique approach to the source material, but they are distinct in their vision and execution. Justice League seemed to change that approach significantly, embracing the humor and light-hearted plots that tend to dominate Marvel Studios movies.
There are many different conflicting accounts regarding Snyder’s departure, what exactly was reshot by Whedon, and whether the version released in theaters lines up with Snyder’s own intentions for the movie.
Of course, all of the chatter has caused a significant demand for a different version of Justice League, whether or not a “Snyder cut” actually exists or not. With the director’s future with DC Films in question, it’s unclear whether or not fans can look forward to such a release.
Fans will be able to watch the theatrical version of Justice League when it hits digital HD on February 13th.