Justice League Snyder Cut Beats The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in Viewers According To Report

According to one company's study, Zack Snyder's Justice League beast Marvel Studio's The Falcon [...]

According to one company's study, Zack Snyder's Justice League beast Marvel Studio's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in views on their shared opening week. This assessment is according to numbers from the content recommendation app Samba TV. The numbers and are not official as neither WarnerMedia nor The Walt Disney Company publicly release their streaming viewership totals, as evidenced by the lack of figures in Disney's announcement that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is Disney+'s most-watched debut ever. According to Samba, 1.8 million households watched at least the first five minutes of Zack Snyder's four-hour cut of Justice League. By comparison, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier drew 1.7 million viewers to its premiere episode, according to Samba.

Both failed to match Wonder Woman 1984, which drew 2.2 million viewers from December 25th through December 27th, when it premiered on HBO Max. It is important to note that none of these are direct comparisons. Wonder Woman 1984 was the first major streaming debut of a live-action blockbuster with mainstream appeal during the pandemic. COVID-19 vaccines have become more widely available since then.

Zack Snyder's Justice League was a highly-anticipated project resulting from years of fan efforts to see the Snyder cut, but it was also marketed more specifically towards those fans. How dramatically different this version of Justice League is from the theatrical release may have been lost on mainstream audiences who saw Joss Whedon's cut of the movie and haven't followed the entertainment press to realize everything that's happened since then. The four-hour runtime might also intimidate less dedicated viewers.

While essential viewing for Marvel fans, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is simply the latest episode of Marvel Studios television. Coming after WandaVision gave fans their first taste of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in years, the show would be hard-pressed to match the anticipation for any of these other projects.

It's also worth noting that this is not an either-or comparison. Zack Snyder's Justice League and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are tentpole live-action superhero genre releases from the two most widely followed superhero franchises. As such, there's a good chance that many of the households that watched one of these streaming debuts also watched the other.

What do you think of these numbers for Zack Snyder's Justice League and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? Let us know in the comments section.

(via Deadline)