'Legends of Tomorrow' EP Wants Jonah Hex and Constantine in Season 3

Time travel makes literally anything possible on The CW's Legends of Tomorrow. We've seen the team [...]

Time travel makes literally anything possible on The CW's Legends of Tomorrow. We've seen the team hang out with a T-Rex, visit Sir Arthur and even go into the future to see how things are going in 2046 (and they're not going well, by the way.)

And in a recent interview with DC Legends TV, executive producer Phil Klemmer shared that time travel could let two characters on his wish list make it to the show.

In both season 1 and season 2 of Legends, when the team ends up in the Old West they encounter Jonah Hex and Klemmer is all for visiting with Hex again in season 3.

"I feel like if we make it back to the Old West... I mean, we did have a crazy pitch for Jonah Hex appearing as a future bounty hunter in a Blade Runner-shaped story. We haven't broken that story yet, but it's certainly up there on a 3x5 card," Klemmer said.

Hex taking a trip into the future wouldn't be too far a stretch for the character. Hex has had his own time travelling hijinks in comics, including in 'The New 52' where he encountered another character on Klemmer's wish list--Constantine. When Klemmer was asked if he had seen the Hex comics, he made it clear that it was on his radar.

"Yeah. I mean, come on. It's certainly on our wish list, as is a Constantine crossover. It's on the wish list. We can't promise it, but you know what--how cool would that be?"

Legends of Tomorrow returns following The Flash on Tuesdays in October.

Once reunited, the Legends will challenge the Time Bureau's authority over the timeline and insist that however messy their methods may be, some problems are beyond the Bureau's capabilities. Some problems can only be fixed by Legends.

Supergirl premieres on Monday, October 9th at 8 pm, while The Flash debuts on Tuesday, October 10 at 8 pm. Legends of Tomorrow moves to Tuesdays this Fall, airing right after The Flash on October 10. On Thursday, October 12 at 9 pm Arrow will premiere to round out the DC roster.

Legends of TomorrowSunday at on The CW

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