Legends of Tomorrow Recap With Spoilers: The Team Faces the Wrath of Khan in "Mortal Khanbat"

With Marie Antoinette dealt with last week, the Legends are ready to take on their next Encore. [...]

legends of tomorrow mortal khanbat recap spoilers
(Photo: The CW)

With Marie Antoinette dealt with last week, the Legends are ready to take on their next Encore. This time, they're headed to Hong Kong in the late 1990s to deal with a surprising threat: Genghis Khan. How will the team handle the ancient warrior? Read on to find out.

Warning: spoilers for Tuesday's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, "Mortal Khanbat" below.

Constantine comes to on a stretcher being hauled into the med bay of the Waverider and it is quickly revealed that he has an aggressive case of terminal lung cancer. He starts smoking right there - no point in quitting now. While the others fret over Constantine, Charlie tries to slip away but is haunted by voices calling her "Clotho". She runs into Behrad and Zari and ends up in the team meeting on the bridge.

Ava has come up with a way to predict the Encores and stop them before they muck up the timeline and that leads them to Hong Kong 1997 where a gangster is moving in on Triad territory. The team heads off with the plan to sedate the Encore just as Constantine was sedated on the ship. With Zari and Ray left on the ship this time, Constantine tries to leave and Ray decides to go with him. In Hong Kong the Encore arrives; it's Genghis Khan. Khan wants control of the Triad so he can remake the globe. Charlie asks Behrad to create a distraction and things get crazy. A firefight breaks out and Charlie chases after Khan while Ava teams up with a trio of female cops to take down the rest of the bad guys with Nate arriving just in time to save them when their ammo runs out.

Charlie and Behrad end up in a standoff with Khan, but he gets away. Meanwhile Constantine goes to England to try to deal with his cancer situation, specifically dealing with the person responsible for his illness. He discovers that it's Astra and tries to convince her that whatever she's done to make this happen is a trap. He also tells her that he can change her mother's fate and fix things, but Astra won't play and won't give him more time. They summon Nora who brings a kid to wish Constantine well but it doesn't work. Essentially, everything that Constantine tries in terms of healing himself fails. After screaming at Ray and Gary, Constantine has a change of heart and decides to apologize and have dinner with them in his final hours.

On the Waverider, the Legends regroup and Charlie decides to shapeshift to infiltrate Khan's operation and discovers he's kidnapped the cop from the tea house. It turns out that Prince Charles is the target as Khan doesn't want him turning over Hong Kong to China. Charlie continues to be haunted and this time actually attacked by the voices from earlier only to be saved by Behrad before she's run over by a truck. She then takes a time courier and leaves. The team, using Zari's research, figures out where to check for Khan's fleet. Turns out, it's scooters. Genghis Khan is going to make his big play with a fleet of scooters. Behrad gives chase but is captured along Prince Charles and it turns out that it's really Charlie. Khan decides he's going to make her his thirteenth wife. When he realizes Behrad and Charlie have slept together, he decides to kill her, but Behrad uses his air powers to save her and she ends Khan.

The day saved, Charlie reveals to the team that she is a Fate, one of the three from Greek mythology. She's Clotho, the Spinner and she used to spin people's futures on the Loom before she destroyed it. She also reveals that the other Fates are coming after her and have been for thousands of years and an even more troubling issue: the broken pieces of the loom are now all on one Earth thanks to "Crisis" and once the other Fates catch up to her, they'll kill her. The team vows to help her and Sara returns from Star City.

Constantine has Ray read his will, giving the house to Gary. He also encourages Ray to propose to Nora. They share a final toast with, Constantine drinking poison to end his own life instead. It buys him just enough time in his own purgatory, convincing Astra at the last moment that he can truly save her mother and she undoes the shortening of his life, sending him back to make good on his word.