'Legends of Tomorrow': What Is the Sixth Totem?

When Legends of Tomorrow returned from midseason hiatus, the heroes find out more about the [...]

When Legends of Tomorrow returned from midseason hiatus, the heroes find out more about the shadowy, demonic figure Mallus, namely that the mysterious big bad wants Sara.

However, while possessing a young Nora Darhk, Mallus notes that Zari (Tala Ashe) is one of "The Six." As Zari is a totem bearer -- specifically, she is the bearer of the Air totem -- it's quickly realized that Mallus is referring to the totems, but Amaya points out that she only knows of five totems. The team will need to identify and find that sixth totem as well as other totems and quickly too. Constantine tells the Legends that the key to stopping Mallus is to gather all six of them.

Since we already know that the Air totem is with Zari, the Anansi totem is with Amaya, and the Water totem is literally part of Kuasa -- the totem was destroyed when Kuasa died but has since bonded to her now that she's resurrected -- that leaves three more totems. While Fire totem is currently in the possession of the Detroit Museum, the hunt for the missing Earth totem is the focus of the next episode, which will see the team head off on a pirate adventure for it. But what about that mysterious sixth totem? Forget for the moment where it is. The Legends don't even know what it is, but we have some ideas.

The five totems known to the Arrowverse seem to follow a theme of sorts in that they each have a different elemental power. The totems, which were given to the five tribes of Zambesi hundreds of years ago in response to their prayers for help, were given to each tribe as a way of providing defense. The elements already covered by the totems -- spirit, air, water, fire, and earth -- are very powerful, but what kind of element would not only fit with those other five, but also be powerful enough to help defeat Mallus? One thought, given that Mallus is a threat so great that even Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) is spooked? That the sixth totem is a Time totem.

Time is an element that is critical to Legends of Tomorrow for the obvious reason of time travel, but when it comes to dealing with a demonic figure, being able to control time would provide an opportunity to potentially shove Mallus back into his box, so to speak. If the bearers of the other five totems were able to use their gifts to subdue Mallus, the Time totem might be able to lock Mallus away in a void of sorts, not unlike where he appears to presently be trying to escape from. But where would one find a Time totem? That is anybody's guess, but it might be something that could be residing in the Old West with Jonah Hex. In the second season of Legends, Hex (Jonathon Schaech) not only readily identifies the Legends as time travelers but knows Rip by name. He also doesn't have any real desire to time travel himself and operates under a strong personal code of ethics, both of which would make him a good guardian for the totem.

And while there's been no official announcement, there have been some teases that Hex may appear in an upcoming episode. Not only did the show share pictures of the cast in old-timey Western wear, but Schaech hinted on Facebook that he'd be heading back to the character soon.

Legends of Tomorrow airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.