Joker Movie Gets a Hilarious SNL Parody With Oscar the Grouch and Sesame Street

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The newest superhero movie from DC Comics is currently leading the cultural discussion as everyone is obsessed with Joker, the new film from actor Joaquin Phoenix and director Todd Phillips. And when a movie enters the zeitgeist, there's no stopping the parodies and satire that are quick to follow. Fans shouldn't be surprised that Saturday Night Live decided to poke fun at the movie, but then they brought Sesame Street into the mix and changed everything. With David Harbour playing the role of Oscar the Grouch, we get so see what happens when the puppet characters get a little grim and gritty.

Watch the clip for SNL's Oscar in the clip above.

Harbour has been a geek fixture for years now, so we shouldn't be surprised that he's getting on the Joker satire. He even made fun of his own role as Hellboy in the poorly received reboot that released earlier this year.

And while there is a lot of discussion surrounding Joker, the biggest question moving forward for Harbour might have to do with his character of Sheriff Hopper in Stranger Things. After his character seemingly died in the third season, people are wondering if he'll appear in the upcoming Season 4.

ComicBook spoke with Harbour after the latest season of Stranger Things, asking the actor if he'll appear in the new episodes after his character seemingly was killed in the finale.

"There's always discussion on set about kicking around ideas about what would be cool and stuff, but there's a lot of stuff that goes down in season three that you're going to want to pay attention to before you start thinking at all about the future," Harbour teases. "They pulled no punches with the season, and it's a big deal what goes down. So you really have to watch this before you start even speculating."

Harbour went on to reveal; his thoughts about the final season and the last episode, which seemingly sealed his character's fate.

"I was yelling at the television screen, and I'm not that type of guy, but I think it really has outdone itself," Harbour said. "And I would be very surprised if this wasn't your favorite season, and I'd certainly be very surprised if you didn't think that episode eight was the best thing we've ever shot, because I'm convinced that that episode is so, so unexpected, so beautiful, so big, so tight. Not a second of downtime, not a second where you're waiting for anything. To me, it's a masterpiece. Episode eight is a masterpiece."