Supergirl - Live Updates of "Welcome to Earth" is live recapping the newest episode of Supergirl, so keep refreshing for the latest [...] is live recapping the newest episode of Supergirl, so keep refreshing for the latest updates!


The episode opens with Mon-El tossing Supergirl through the window of the medical bay of the DEO. He shows signs of super-strength and super-speed before jumping out of the building and into the streets of National City. In the aftermath, J'onn mentions that the president is coming to the DEO to tour the building during her visit at National City. Apparently, the president is about to announce a new executive order allowing aliens to come out of the shadows and become full citizens of the US.

The next morning, Jimmy holds his first editorial meeting. Jimmy tries a more nuanced approach, but Snapper quickly takes over the meeting. Kara gets assigned to interview Lena Luthor about her brother's ideas about the new alien law.

Supergirl lands in front of Air Force One right as the president (Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter) steps out of the plane. Unfortunately, an unseen alien starts shooting fireballs at the president. Two Secret Service guards are incinerated, but Supergirl saves the president from getting hit just in time.


The DEO handles the cleanup of the attack, but Maggie Sawyer of the Science Police demands to be included in the investigation. Alex poses as a Secret Service member and tells her that the crime scene is in her jurisdiction.

The president visits the DEO and has a discussion with J'onn over her new alien law. Supergirl fangirls over the president, before she rushes to the interview with Lena.

Lena quickly susses out the reason for Kara's visit and shows her an "alien detector" that will allow humans to find out if aliens are hiding among them. Lena explains that humans have a right to know if their neighbor is a human or an alien. When Lena demonstrates how to use the test, Kara sabotages the device with her heat vision to keep her secret identity safe.

Winn tracks Mon-El to an abandoned warehouse, so Alex leads a squad to hunt him in. However, by the time she gets there, there's only Maggie Sawyer waiting for her.

Meanwhile, Mon-El appears at another warehouse and grabs a man by the throat before saying that he wants to go home.

After Alex returns to the DEO, Maggie calls her up and asks if she wants to see how the police handle detective work. Meanwhile, Snapper rips Kara for inserting her "pro-alien" opinion into her article about Lena's new device. Kara does manage to give Jimmy a pep talk about being his own kind of leader before leaving the office for the night.

Maggie takes Alex to a dive bar that serves aliens. Maggie says that she frequents the bar because she can relate more to aliens, as she was pretty lonely as a "non-straight, non-white" girl growing up in Nebraska. One of Maggie's contacts reveals that Mon-El is trying to send a signal home. As Alex leaves the bar, she runs into a redhead who starts boiling her drink (thus revealing that she's actually the person behind the attacks).

Winn finds out that Mon-El isn't trying to signal Krypton, he's signalling Daxam instead. Supergirl has her trace the signal and quickly flies in to beat him down.

With Mon-El now imprisoned at the DEO, Supergirl reveals that Daxam and Krypton have a bloody past, even though they're sister planets. Supergirl tries to interrogate Mon-El about his alleged attack on the president, but he claims to not to even know what a president is. Afterwards, J'onn mentions to Kara that she didn't tell Mon-El about his president's fate.

Kara meets with Lena, who compliments her on the article. Kara admits she wrote a much more scathing article, but that she learned to appreciate Lena's view (thanks in part to her recent battle with Mon-El).

The next day, Supergirl, Maggie, and Alex attend the president's newest speech. As the president tries to sign her executive order into law, the fiery redhead attacks. Kara saves the president once again, but the redhead escapes with Maggie as her captive.

Supergirl blames herself for the attack (as she was blinded by her hunt for the Daxamite), but Alex recognizes the alien from the bar. When she visits the bar, she finds out that the redhead hangs out by the local foundry.

Maggie finds out that the alien is attacking the president because she believes her bill will force aliens to register with the government. Supergirl and Alex arrive to rescue Maggie. Although the alien initially gets the upperhand on Supergirl, Supergirl uses her superspeed to snuff out her flames and then Maggie knocks her out with a pole.

The next day, Jimmy reasserts himself as the head of CatCo and as Snapper's boss.

Meanwhile, Maggie and Alex bond for a little bit at the DEO before Maggie leaves on a date, while Supergirl releases Mon-El and apologizes to him. They introduce themselves, before Kara tells Mon-El that Daxam was ravaged by solar storms in the aftermath of Krypton's destruction.

The president finally gets to sign her bill into law, and thanks both Supergirl and J'onn for their help. As the president leaves, her eyes turn silver and her skin turns red, revealing that she's an alien herself.

The episode ends with J'onn visiting the alien bar, trying to take the president's advice to "live" a little. When he tries to order a drink, the bartender seems to recognize him and quickly leaves. J'onn chases after her, and she reveals herself to be...MISS MARTIAN, the last Daughter of Mars.