The Flash Star Teases Major Twists and Turns in Season 7 Story

Season 7 has seen some major developments on The Flash. The team said goodbye to seemingly every [...]

Season 7 has seen some major developments on The Flash. The team said goodbye to seemingly every version of Harrison Wells, got everyone back from the Mirror Universe, and restored Barry's powers by resurrecting the Speed Force, but there were some more complicated developments as well. When the Speed Force came back, some other forces were unleashed -- the Still Force, the Strength Force, and the Sage Force -- prompting a whole new set of challenges and threats. However, according to Brandon McKnight, who plays Chester P. Runk in The CW series, things may not be quite what they seem and they shouldn't believe everything they see.

Speaking with E!. McKnight said that while some more pieces of the puzzle were introduced in last week's "The One With The Nineties" -- such as the discovery of the Still Force -- there are quite a few twists and turns coming up.

"A few seeds have been planted in the last few episodes, and now in this episode, we get introduced to another one of those mystery villains who seem all-powerful -- definitely the most powerful villains we've seen so far," McKnight said. "It's definitely planting seeds for a lot of stuff, but what I will say about that is don't believe everything you see, and don't think you fully understand what is going on."

He added, "There's a lot of twists and turns coming up. That I don't think anybody will really see coming."

He put a slightly finer point on things when speaking with Entertainment Weekly, suggesting that viewers shouldn't necessarily trust the Speed Force Nora (Michelle Harrison) either.

"I would say be wary of everything and everyone."

One thing that Team Flash does need to be wary of is Kristen Kramer (Carmen Moore). The liason from the Governor's Municipal Logistics Commission is in Central City to arrest Killer Frost, a situation that may end up being a bit more complicated when a mysterious ice-powered enemy frames Frost (Danielle Panabaker) for a crime she did not commit in this week's "Growing Pains."

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.