‘The Flash’: Get up and Go Extended Trailer Released

The CW has released an extended version of its ‘Get Up and Go’ promo, celebrating The Flash’s […]

The CW has released an extended version of its “Get Up and Go” promo, celebrating The Flash‘s fourth season with a highlight reel of some of its best moments.

Videos by ComicBook.com

Like the first “Get Up and Go” promo the extended version doesn’t feature any new footage, but it does nearly double the original’s length by adding in some of the best moments of the season thus far, including a shot of Ralph/Elongated Man (Hartley Sawyer) in his new costume and a quick look at the Hugh Heffner-esque Harrison Wells from the Council of Wells. You can check out the extended promo in the video above.

While The Flash‘s fourth season has had some decidedly heavy moments — Barry (Grant Gustin) being wrongly convicted of murder and sent to prison comes to mind — this promo reminds audiences that the show has also made great strides in returning to an upbeat sensibility, something that executive producer Todd Helbing told ComicBook.com was a priority this year, considering mixed response to last season.

“Last year, once we showed Iris die in the future, to keep up that doom and gloom, it becomes a burden, and not just on us writing-wise, on the show and it just sort of had this pall over the season that we didn’t expect to be so heavy,” Helbing said.

“I’m not trying to say anything bad about season 3.” Helbing continued. “I love season 3, and I love Savitar, and I love the story we told, but I think that’s about as dark as I ever want to go with the show. So yeah, I think that was a conscious effort of ours to really go back to everybody enjoyed being on this team and with each other, and make The Flash have fun again. I’m really excited about the scripts so far; they’re really, really funny.”

While there’s nothing funny about The Thinker’s latest trick in taking over Hazard/Becky Sharpe’s (Sugar Lynn Beard) body in the most recent episode of the show, Barry did get freed from prison which should open up Team Flash for some great comedic moments going forward, especially now that Ralph is all in, having finally found his footing as a hero. And we’ll get to see more of that in the upcoming “Subject 9” which will see Team Flash track down a genderbent version of classic Flash villain, The Fiddler.

The Flash airs on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT. New episodes resume on February 27.