Tonight’s episode with Joe West and Cecile Horton finishing up a run and resting up at Joe’s place.Joe’s phone begins buzzing and he’s directed to go to STAR Labs.
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At the lab, Barry tells the rest of Team Flash about the scientist — Tracy Brand — the future Barry alerted him about in last week’s episode.Julian approaches Barry asking why they aren’t working on finding Killer Frost and Cisco and Julian have a tense exchange.
Barry, Cisco, and HR leave go to look for Brand and they find her in the middle of a lab mishap.She reveals that she failed her dissertation and isn’t a doctor — yet.
Barry accidentally reveals that he knows information about Brand’s paper she hasn’t publicly released yet and before Barry can explain further, Killer Frost breaks into the lab and fires an ice pick towards Brand.Barry is able to push Brand out of the way and after a very brief fight, Killer Frost leaves the scene.
Up Next: Danielle Panabaker Explains the Killer Frost Personality
Barry and Joe are discussing the situation when Cecile overhears and asks to speak with Joe privately — she’s concerned she worried Joe by previously confessing her love for him.
An impatient Brand pressures Barry and Joe to leave the police department and the two manage to persuade her to stay.
Killer Frost and Savitar are seen meeting up and Savitar gives the former Caitlin Snow just one order:Kill Tracy Brand.
HR and Tracy are seen at Jitters where the former buys the latter a coffee.HR starts rattling off every piece of Tracy’s theory on quantum mechanics that he likes, when its shown that Cisco and Julian are sitting in a stake-out vehicle giving him all of the information through a headset.
Cisco radios to Barry and it’s shown that he and Joe are in a separate stakeout vehicle, both groups keeping on eye on the pair inside Jitters.
Back inside Jitters, Tracy tells HR that she’s been studying speedsters.She starts sayinghow she thinks that all speedsters draw their energy from a source, and HR finishes her sentence by saying Speed Force.The two hit it off when HR looks down into his coffee cup to find it frozen.
The two rush outside of Jitters and another ice pick can be seen flying straight towards the head of Tracy Brand.Barry saves Brand and Killer Frost begins to escape on an ice bridge she’s forming.Barry begins to follow her and instructs Cisco to knock her out Cisco has a vision back to Caitlin’s days pre-Killer Frost and is momentarily distracted as Killer Frost fires a blast of ice his way.
Barry hops in front of Cisco and absorbs the blast and is incapacitated.Killer Frost then stabs him in the leg with another ice pick.
Back at STAR Labs, Team Flash tells Brand about her future in being able to stop Savitar and she makes the realization that she’s right about her work on the Speedforce.They ask her to expedite her work and build the speed trap and she’s hesitant.Fortunately enough, HR is able to convince her to do so.
In a side room, Julian approaches Cisco about why he didn’t stop Caitlin outside of Jitters.Julian continues to pressure him and a clearly frustrated Cisco explains that he’s terrified of accidentally killing her.
Joe and Barry are in the middle of a heart to heart about Joe’s girlfriend Cecile when HR busts in and informs them that Tracy has left the lab.
The group tries brainstorming where Tracy could be and HR makes the connection that she’d be at a local statue of Galileo.He hurries there and she apologizes for running off, admitting that when they showed the future to her, she was more intimidated than ever saying she didn’t know how she became the “brilliant woman in the hologram.”
Joe’s seen working at his dinner table when there’s a knock on his door — it’s Cecile.She approaches him about him acting weird since her admission of love earlier in the day.Joe explains how complicated his life is and goes on to say that he thinks they should stop seeing each other as they’re in different places in their life.Cecile leaves and there’s immediately another knock at the door.
Joe opens the door to find Killer Frost with an ice pick to Cecile’s throat.She says that Joe will be getting a message with an address.She intructs him that the only way Cecile lives is if they turn over Tracy.
Julian and Cisco have another talk off to the side where Julian shares his beliefs on being able to save Caitlin from remaining Killer Frost.
HR goes into the room where they’re holding Tracy and the former shares that they’ll need her to do something dangerous.Tracy accompanies Barry and Joe to an abandoned warehouse where they’re keeping Cecile and they’re immediately approached by Killer Frost.
Sheshares that Ssavitar is always able to stay on step ahead and fires of explosives hidden in the rafters, where Cisco is hiding.Cisco vibes himself out of the explosion and Barry steps infront of Joe to absorb another ice blast.
Cisco and Killer Frost have a brief fight, which Cisco wins by incapacitating the latter.He then takes a sample of her blood.Savitar then speeds into the scene to rescue Caitlin and leaves without any further incident.
Back at STAR Labs, Julian reveals that they may be able to use the blood sample Cisco collected to reverse engineer Caitlin’s Killer Frost abilities.
HR continues to attempt to woo Tracy by bringing her another cup of coffee.Tracy reveals that she thinks Savitar needs the silver suit because he travels so fast, the energy would seriously hurt or kill him otherwise.She thinks they can use the suit’s own powers to turn on itself and trap it within the Speedforce.
Joe and Cecile are at the police department, where the two continue their conversation from earlier.Joe admits he froze because if their relationship were to bump up another level, it comes with a lot of baggage.Joe eventually removes his wedding ring and says he loves her back.
Joe goes home, where Barry and Iris are sitting with Wally — who has returned from Earth 3 — on the couch.Barry putting together the pieces of the situation in his head.He races out to find Savitar and shares that he knows who it is.
Savitar appears and the suit comes off:it’s Barry Allen.
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