The Suicide Squad: Flula Borg Gained 25 Pounds of Muscle to Play Javelin

The Suicide Squad is the latest comic book movie to hit theatres and it’s being met with high […]

The Suicide Squad is the latest comic book movie to hit theatres and it’s being met with high praise from critics and audiences alike. Currently, the movie is up on Rotten Tomatoes with a 92% critics score and 86% audience score. ComicBook.com’s own Jenna Anderson gave the movie a 5 out of 5 and called it “exhilarating and emotional.” In addition to The Suicide Squad being a super fun time, it’s also been a delight learning about how the vast cast of actors prepared for their roles. Recently, comedian Flula Borg (Javelin) spoke with Men’s Journal and revealed he gained 25 pounds of muscle for the role.

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“My usual routine used to be working out for 20 minutes, eating nothing, and staring at the television for the rest of the day,” Borg shared. “Paolo [Mascitti] told me that wasn’t going to fly,” he added of his trainer. Borg shared some shots from his training on Instagram today in honor of the article.

“To transformate into JAVELIN in #TheSuicideSquad, I was having to do many aktivities, like braiding a giant’s hairs. Danke to my trainer man @paolomascitti for making it possibull and to @mjfit, @mensjournal, und @menshealthmag for telling peoples about this muskle jurney! watch @jamesgunn’s @thesuicidesquad in the theatres now,” Borg wrote on Instagram. You can check out his post below:

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During a 2019 visit to The Suicide Squad set, Borg told reporters about playing the character, and also discovering his unique aesthetic and set of motivations.

“Yeah, well they did not give me a lot of information, which was very fun for me because it meant I could kind of fill in some very tasty blanks,” Borg explained. “It’s almost like someone gives you a test like ‘Here, draw something nice.’ I draw it and then they’re like ‘Terrible, try something else.’ So that is some of the things I did for me, but as you can see, I had no input in looking this tasty and delicious. These are zero inputs and I was very excited when I saw that. I wasn’t sure. I did look at the old comics and kind of look and see what is this man like? What will his hair look like? Will it be hot and lovely and luxurious? Or will it be a weird Mohawk? It’s the former, as you can see, so it’s very exciting.”

The Suicide Squad is now playing in theaters and is available to watch on HBO Max.