The Suicide Squad Fans Point Out Weasel's Privates

Make no mistake about it, The Suicide Squad is a hard-R movie. Months before its release, the [...]

Make no mistake about it, The Suicide Squad is a hard-R movie. Months before its release, the Motion Pictures Association of America handed down an R-rating for "strong violence and gore, language throughout, some sexual references, drug use and brief graphic nudity." From the film's first red band trailer, it wasn't apparent the movie was going to be quite gory, but it wasn't until its release fans were able to see exactly what the "graphic nudity" was.

Now, fans have noticed it involves one of the movie's most absurd characters. In a sequence involving Weasel (Sean Gunn), you can briefly see the character's fully unclothed self. The man-turned-rodent doesn't wear any clothes, and as some have started pointing out, you can most certainly see the villain's twig and berries if the brightness is just right.

If you're curious, the moment is right at the beginning of the movie when the entire Squad is doing to team walk in front of the massive American flag. You can see it when Weasel gets out of the armored car and again during the walk itself. We've already said too much.

Squad director James Gunn previously said Weasel didn't wear clothes because of his feral nature. "This is not a man in a weasel suit. This is a real weasel," Sean Gunn added in an interview with The Movie Dweeb last year. "He's really a giant weasel in a little bit of a man's body."

The Suicide Squad sees the return of Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Joel Kinnaman as Colonel Rick Flag, and Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang from 2016's Suicide Squad. Joining them in the film are David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Steve Agee as King Shark, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2, Idris Elba as Bloodsport, John Cena as Peacemaker, Nathan Fillion as T.D.K., Pete Davidson as Blackguard, Flula Borg as Javelin, Mayling Ng as Mongal, Peter Capaldi as The Thinker, Michael Rooker as Savant, Alice Braga as Sol Soria, and Sean Gunn as Weasel.

The Suicide Squad is now in theaters and streaming on HBO Max. Peacemaker is expected to debut on HBO Max in 2022.

What'd you think of James Gunn's take on The Suicide Squad? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter!