'Justice League': Zack Snyder Supports Director's Cut Petition

The theatrical version of Justice League has gotten such big blowback that there's now an online [...]

The theatrical version of Justice League has gotten such big blowback that there's now an online petition to get Zack Snyder's original cut of hte film released, much like when they demanded for the release of Snyder's full version of Batman v Superman. The petition already has over 100,000 signatures, but there's one endorsement that fans will appreciate more than any other:

As detailed above, one DC Films fan shared the Justice League Director's Cut petition on Vero, where it got a like from Zack Snyder himself!

Snyder has been a respectable company man throughout Warner Bros.' reshooting and rewriting chunks of his film and generally changing its entire tone. Right about now, he'd be only human for feeling a swell of pride in the fact that so many fans want to see his unencumbered vision on the big screen.

Justice League is now in theaters; Aquaman arrives on December 21, 2018; Shazam on April 5, 2019; Wonder Woman 2 on November 1st, 2019; Cyborg on April 3, 2020; and Green Lantern Corps on July 24, 2020.