Zazie Beetz Explains How Joker Movie Is Different Than Deadpool

The audience is growing for R-rated superhero movies, as evidenced by the success of Logan and the [...]

The audience is growing for R-rated superhero movies, as evidenced by the success of Logan and the Deadpool franchise. And actress Zazie Beetz is carving out her own space in this subset, portraying Domino in Deadpool 2 and now hopping over to DC Comics for the upcoming Joker with co-star Joaquin Phoenix. But that's where the comparisons stop, according to Beetz.

The actress appeared at Puerto Rico Comic Con to discuss her upcoming film, revealing new details during an interview with CineXpress.

"I mean, the whole vibe of the set is very different because Deadpool is about the comedy and landing the joke and the physicality of it, whereas Joker is more emotional and is a darker tone," Beetz explained. "It's not the same type of goofing off that happens on the Deadpool set, in a way. Even though that also was a lot of work too. Joaquin is just a really honest person and a really genuine person. It's really nice as an actor to be working with somebody like that, to really be able to exchange emotionally."

Beetz went on to praise her co-star, explaining that she learned a lot from Phoenix's approach on the set. And based on her comments and what we know about the film, Joker is shaping up to be unlike any other superhero movie yet.

Co-star Marc Maron praised the approach by director Todd Phillips during a recent interview with NME.

"I think it's a very interesting approach to this world," said Maron. "I've been somewhat judgemental when it comes to comic book movies and I've got a little pushback in the press for being a hypocrite. Whatever I think, if you get a call and someone says, 'Hey do you wanna do a scene with Robert De Niro and Joaquin Phoenix?' your principals fall to the wayside."

He added, "If it's relative to what I think of Marvel movies then it's like, 'Yeah, of course I'm gonna do that'. Oddly, it's not that kind of movie. The approach that Todd Phillips has taken is more of an origin story and a character study of a mentally ill person that becomes The Joker," Maron said. "It's more of an intimate and gritty movie with a very specific scope. It's going to be really interesting to see how it comes out."

Joker premieres in theaters on October 4th.