
‘Fortnite’ Season 6 Adds Pets

Fortnite Season 6 is here and the popular battle royale game is about to get even more so with the […]

Fortnite Season 6 is here and the popular battle royale game is about to get even more so with the inclusion of a bunch of good boys just doing their best! That’s right! Following yesterday’s leak, pets have officially been added to Epic Games’ Fortnite experience!

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“Always have a friend watching your back when you drop in. Pets are now available in-game,” boasts Epic Games about their new season. The addition of furry companions (and not so furry ones) has been something speculated about for awhile now out of pure fan desire. It seems that Epic Games listened – as they are known to do – and now players never have to venture alone in their quest for that delectable Victory Royale!

Fortnite is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and select Android devices! What do you think about the latest addition to the online game? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below!

As for Season 6:

“Season 6 arrives in Battle Royale and brings new goodies with it! Uncover what’s in the new Battle Pass, explore an updated island with Pets, and become one with the shadows with a new consumable. Join in on the Cram Session mini-event in Save the World and learn more about a new enemy that has appeared from the Storm.”

As far as a few miscellaneous changes in the game:

  • Shadow Stones
    • Consumable typically found around corrupted areas of the map.
    • Using a Shadow Stone will apply ‘Shadow Form’ for a brief period.
    • While in Shadow Form:
      • Unable to use weapons.
      • Become invisible to enemies when stationary.
        • You become more visible and leave behind a Shadow Trail when moving.
      • Gain increased movement speed, jump height and fall damage immunity.
      • Gain a new ability, Phase, can be activated by pressing the Primary Fire button.
        • Phase: Propels you in the direction you are facing, and allows you to pass through objects.
      • The effect lasts 45 seconds but can be exited early by holding down Alt Fire button (aim down sights).
  • Vaulted Impulse Grenade, Suppressed Submachine Gun, Light Machine Gun, Bouncer, and Remote Explosives.
    • All of the weapons/items added to the Vault in patch v6.0 will currently remain available in Playgrounds.
  • Added momentum functionality to Grapplers. When hitting a moving object (vehicle, player), its momentum will be added to your launch force.
    • This only happens when the momentum would be a net gain, you cannot lose momentum.
  • Grappler charges reduced from 15 to 10.
  • Double Barrel damage reduced from 143/150 to 114/120.
  • Reduced Dual Pistol floor loot drop chance from 1.49% to 0.88%.