'Fortnite' Gifting System Appears To Finally Be Coming

Back in June, Epic Games said that gifting would be coming to Fortnite. It's now the middle of [...]

fortnite gifting

Back in June, Epic Games said that gifting would be coming to Fortnite. It's now the middle of October, and well, that hasn't happened. Further, Epic Games hasn't suggested or hinted that the feature is even imminent.

However, a new leak has seemingly done the job for Epic Games, revealing that the feature is already in the game, and perhaps coming soon.

A leaker (@The1Jaren) has posted on Twitter this morning, revealing a short video showing off how gifting will look when Epic Games finally decides to hit the switch and let it live.

As you can see, you will have the option of gifting items right from item store. In other words, it will be as simple as normally purchasing an item.

Interestingly, there appears to be a days limit on how often you can send gifts to players. How long this period will be, isn't clear. What also isn't clear is whether there will be a cap on the number of gifts you can give a certain player.

Further, the video doesn't reveal whether or not you will be able to gift already purchased items to other players. The features appears to be limited to just purchases going forward, but it would be nice to pass off unwanted and unused items to players who aren't insane people and buy new items regularly, like most of us.

Nonetheless, the feature seems like it is almost ready to go live. Perhaps Epic Games will release it the closer we get to the holiday season and Christmas for a more, thematic, emphasis. Or perhaps it will release it in time for some of its more anticipated Halloween skins that will arrive later this month. Who knows. All we know is that it appears to be on the horizon.

Fortnite is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices. For more news, information, and media on the game, be sure to peep our previous -- and constantly updating -- coverage of the battle-royale title by clicking right here.

And in case you missed it, popular streamer "Ninja" recently tried to teach Ellen DeGeneres how to play the game, and the result is pretty hilarious.