One Halloween I tried to dress up as Stone Cold Steve Austin. It went miserably. At the time, I had friends who were really, really into the WWE. Not one person could guess who I was dressed as. It was a woeful Halloween.
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However, ever since that Halloween I’ve had a huge deal of respect for cosplayers. I think a lot of people think cosplay is easy. And sure, dressing up as Goku isn’t very hard. But most cosplay — if done right — is a very meticulous process, one that takes a special type of person, aka not me.
That all said, the Internet is brimming with great cosplayers. You might say it’s saturated with amazing cosplay, to the point that a lot of the times I don’t even register the impressive feats I see on my Twitter feed and elsewhere. But recently one did stop me in my tracks, partially because it’s for one of the best games this generation, but also because it’s so perfect.
Recently a cosplayer by the name of halt, adorned the looks and persona of Lady Maria from Bloodborne, and the end result is impressive and one of the best, if not the best, Bloodborne cosplays I’ve ever seen. It’s probably, I don’t know, 4,533,761,375,893x better than my Stone Cold cosplay. Maybe more.
For those that don’t know: Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower is a boss in Bloodborne’s The Old Hunters DLC. If you’d like, you can read more about her character, here. And of course, if you’d like to see more amazing cosplay, be sure to give halt a follow on Twitter.
In other recent and related news, the developer of Bloodborne, FromSoftware, recently confirmed that it has not one, but two unannounced projects in the works, though whether one of these is Bloodborne 2, who knows. The demand is certainly there for a sequel, but it often takes more than just demand for a game to come together. If it’s not, I’m sure Bloodborne’s hardcore fanbase will be fine, they can always just play the game for the 45th time.