Sobble's Introduction in Pokemon Sword and Shield Perfectly Captures the Nervous Feeling of Meeting Someone New as an Adult

10/25/2019 01:26 pm EDT

Sobble really is the young adult professional of Starter Pokemon. Earlier this year, The Pokemon Company introduced Pokemon fans to Sobble, one of the three new Starter Pokemon that will appear in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Unlike the other chipper and energetic Pokemon paired with new trainers, Sobble is described as a timid and nervous Pokemon that cries when confronted and has the ability to turn invisible. Fans immediately adopted Sobble as the Pokemon mascot for the millennial generation, with many players relating to the constant anxiety Sobble faces due to everything from the gig economy to the threat of global warming.

Earlier today, Famitsu released a brief video showing how each of Pokemon Sword and Shield's Starter Pokemon greets their trainer when chosen as a partner. Grookey gives their trainer a hi-five, Scorbunny fist bumps their new trainer, while Sobble manages a nervous smile and a two-handed handshake. It's absolutely adorable and also incredibly relatable for anyone who has ever felt nervous trying to make friends as an adult. Who among us hasn't been introduced to someone at a party and immediately gulped down their anxiety in an attempt to come off as personable, while frantically trying to keep cool. Sobble's half-hearted smile definitely belongs to an introvert who longs for friends but has flashbacks to getting laughed at in high school whenever they meet someone new. The Pokemon's expressions practically screams "Don't mess this up!" as it shakestheir new trainer's hand with both paws...or whatever Sobble's two fingers are called.

Players will get their own chance to meet Sobble in just a few weeks, as Pokemon Sword and Shield comes out on November 15th. Hopefully, Sobble will be able to overcome its natural nervousness, or at least finds a way to de-stress in its Poke Ball from time to time.

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