Alan Wake 2 "Pretty Far Along" According to New Report

It's been a bit since Remedy Entertainment revealed any new information about Alan Wake 2, and some fans could be forgiven for thinking it might have slipped to a 2024 release. However, it seems that might not be the case, as XboxEra co-founder @Shpeshal_Nick recently addressed the game on Twitter, stating that he's heard the game is "pretty far along," and that players can expect to see "a true next gen showcase." That would seem to line up with what was revealed about the game in an investors report back in February, and bodes very well for a release this year!

The Tweet from @Shpeshal_Nick can be found embedded below.

As @Shpeshal_Nick alludes in the Tweet, Alan Wake 2 is being published by Epic Games. The first Alan Wake was a critical success, but initially struggled to find an audience, which is why it took so long for a sequel to be released. The involvement of Epic Games could help Alan Wake 2 find a much bigger audience, and gamers that missed out on the first Alan Wake can always check out the remaster, which released on PlayStation and Xbox platforms in 2021.

It will be interesting to see exactly when Alan Wake 2 ends up releasing! Unfortunately, no release window beyond "2023" has been mentioned by Remedy Entertainment or Epic Games, leaving fans wondering exactly when they might expect to see it. At this point, 2023 is more than a third of the way over, and many of the big summer releases have already been announced. Both companies will likely prefer to leave some time between a release date announcement and the actual release, so the holiday season seems like the strongest possibility. For now, fans are just going to have to wait patiently to see what gets revealed. Fans have been waiting since 2010 to see a proper sequel to the game, so a few more months shouldn't be too hard!

Are you happy to see Alan Wake 2 is still on schedule for a release this year? Is the game one of your most anticipated? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!