
Alien: Isolation Companion Book Announced


Alien: Isolation first released in 2014, and quickly became a favorite among Alien fans. One of those fans is writer Andy Kelly, who is hard at work on an unofficial companion book titled Perfect Organism: An Alien: Isolation Companion. Kelly says that he’s “obsessed” with the Alien franchise, which is what inspired the book’s creation. As of this writing, the companion is 33% funded on Unbound, with just under 300 supporters. Perfect Organism will go into great detail about the game’s development, while also discussing previous Alien video games, and why they struggled compared to Alien: Isolation.

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“From the art direction, AI, audio, and music, to the level design, userinterface, characters, and locations, this is a game of remarkabledepth, complexity, and detail. After multiple playthroughs and countlesshours spent researching it, I’ve amassed a huge amount of knowledge andinsight about every aspect of the gameโ€”and I want to share that withyou. I’m just as obsessed with it as I am with the film, and this willbe evident on every page,” writes Kelly.

For those unfamiliar with the game, Alien: Isolation is a survival horror title that puts players in the role of Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley. The game also incorporates stealth elements, forcing players to avoid the titular foe. Upon its release, reviewers particularly praised the game’s atmosphere, and the way that it captured the heart of the movies that inspired it. Kelly’s book could offer an interesting glimpse into the decisions that helped to shape the game, and why it was able to succeed. For fans passionate about Alien: Isolation, and the franchise in general, this book definitely seems worth keeping an eye on!

Alien: Isolation is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here. Readers interested in checking out the game’s Unbound campaign can do so right here.

Were you a fan of Alien: Isolation? Do you plan on checking out the game’s companion book? Let usknow inthe comments orshare your thoughtsdirectly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about all things gaming!