Apex Legends Update Will Fix Some of the Most Frustrating Parts of Gibraltar

Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that it has plans to alleviate some frustrations around [...]

Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that it has plans to alleviate some frustrations around Gibraltar in an upcoming Apex Legends patch. The part of the character being targeted is his Gun Shield, a boon for Gibraltar but an annoyance for other players because of how it registers damage. The catch is that the changes won't be included in the big Season 8 update, so players will have to wait a while longer to see them come through.

Changes for Gibraltar's Gun Shield were discussed in a thread on Reddit where players discussed the Legend as part of a recurring series of conversations. One player said the Legend's Gun Shield was the source of some of the most frustrations when dealing with the character because it doesn't allow for bleed-through damage. This means that even if the Gun Shield is at 1 HP and you blast it with something that would do significantly more, the rest of the damage isn't transferred to Gibraltar's body armor or his health. Damaging someone who has 1 HP left on their Evo Shields, by comparison, would transfer the excess damage to their health.

On top of that, damaging Gibraltar's Gun Shield doesn't count towards your own Evo Shield buildup, so even though you're technically damaging Gibraltar, your Evo Shield doesn't get the benefits. Combine these elements with Gibraltar's Fortified perk that gives him reduced damage and you've got quite the frustrating combination.

Fortunately for Gibraltar's opponents, Respawn has plans to fix some of those problems. Associate live balance designer John Larson replied to the thread on Reddit to say changes were planned, but they won't be coming in the next update.

Unfortunately a couple meaningful tweaks to the gun shield just missed the cutoff for next week's patch: (1) Bleed through and (2) damage counting towards stats/evo to mitigate some of the shield economy difference in poking engagements against a Gib," Larson said.

Larson continued to say that the changes were originally intended for the Season 8 update, but a bug was discovered that dealt with the way the Gun Shield registered damage against specific types of weapons. Some changes for Lifeline and her passive were also discussed, but nothing concrete is planned for her yet at the start of the season.

Apex Legends Season 8 is scheduled to start on February 2nd.

H/T Dexerto