Overall, Apex Legends is a pretty balanced game. Sure, there’s a hero hierarchy, which includes some legends that surely need buffs, like Caustic and Gibraltar. But beyond the heroes, the game’s weapons are also pretty balanced. However, the weapon balancing isn’t perfect. There’s a reason why you’ll never find a P2020 in someone’s death box at the end-game and why there’s a great chance if you come across a top player, they’re using the Wingman.
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That all said, there’s quite a few guns in the game that could use a buff or two. However, Respawn Entertainment has revealed that it likes having a curve when it comes to guns, which means the game’s worst weapons will likely never be anything but something you desperately pick up at the start of a match. And this is fine, it doesn’t really impact the game. But there’s also a few guns that could use a nerf, and unlike buffing the weaker weapons, nerfing them could make the game a lot better. So, without further ado, here are the five weapons that could use a nerf in Apex Legends.

Everyone knows the Wingman is the best weapon in the game. It may not be the most user-friendly, but in the hands of a top player, it’s absolutely lethal, and no one weapon really comes close. The problem with the Wingman is it has no shortcomings. Its fire-rate is slow, but not slow enough to undercut its fire-power. Not only can the gun deliver massive amounts of damage in close and mid-range combat, but it can unload hell from long-range as well. And with the proper attachments, it’s even more scary. Again, some will say it’s a high-skill weapon, and it is, but that doesn’t mean once a skilled player gets their hands on it they should be able to mow down enemies with ease.

The Peacekeeper may not be as popular as it was in the early meta, but it’s still somewhat in need of a nerf. The only thing that makes the Peacekeeper undesirable for some is its slow fire-rate. If you miss a shot or two with it, you’re probably going to lose the encounter. Problem is, it can still deal massive amounts of damage and dictate an encounter with one lucky headshot. Sometimes it does eight damage, and other times it allows a level one player to kill a pro. It’s unpredictable, which I find troublingย in a game that doesn’t let unpredictability manifest in really any other way. Also, it’s spread is broken. Players shouldn’t be awarded with the same bullet spread when firing from the hip as aiming down the sights. That needs to be fixed.

Ever since Respawnย Entertainment updated the game so energy ammo isn’t as hard to find as a good skin in the game, the Devotion’s popularity has slowly been climbing. Now, it’s one of the most popular weapons in the game. Why? Because it can absolutelyย shred through an entire team if used properly. I don’t think the Devotion is over-powered per say, but I do think its charge needs to take longer. Even without a turbocharger, the Devotion gets pumping pretty quickly, and once it’s going it’s hard to stop. I’d even prefer a larger clip if it meant a substantial decrease in the amount of time it needs to get going.ย

Have all legendary gear, a wingman, and a devotion? It doesn’t matter if the other guy has a Mozambique. The Mozambique is so powerful, so legendary it has reached meme status, and probably should be removed from the game all together. Every game I’ve ever won I’ve been rocking double Mozambiques, which have the distance of the Kraberย andย the punch of the Mastiff rolled into one. There’s a reason everyone pings theย Mozambique.ย