Battlefield V Removes Duos from Firestorm

Duos have been removed from Battlefield V’s Firestorm mode after EA DICE said players preferred [...]

Duos have been removed from Battlefield V's Firestorm mode after EA DICE said players preferred playing in Squads more. Just like other battle royale games, the mode allowed players to team up in pairs instead of four-person groups to play Firestorm, but it's the latter option that players will have to work with now that the Duo option is gone. There's a chance that it could come back in the future, but no timeframe has been given.

The Duo mode was added, removed, and put back in, but the latest removal appears to see it taken out indefinitely until it makes a return as a limited-time game mode. In a post on Reddit that explained the removal, EA DICE started by revisiting when Duos were first added, the reception players had to it, and the plans in place initially for the mode.

"Duo received an overwhelmingly positive reaction at launch," the developer said. "It debuted during a weekend, and was initially done so only as an early first look at the mode. Duo was originally designed as a limited time offering similar to Grind and Rush, and featured as limited time content in Chapter 3."

DICE continued to say that when Duos were taken out, players said they wanted it back. The developer accommodated the quest and said it was "happy to support" players, but after it was brought back, players apparently preferred Squads to Duos.

"Since then, we've seen more folks jump back into Squads mode, with less preferring to Firestorm it up in Duo - so we're going to get back to the original plan today and we've disabled it's matchmaking," DICE said.

In a follow-up comment within the post, a Battlefield V community coordinator said the mode will indeed return, though whether it comes back on certain weekends or an entire week at a time is unknown. The same comment confirmed that there's no intention to bring it back as a permanent mode though.


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