Battlefield 6 Theory May Have Figured Out When the Reveal Trailer Is Coming

A new Battlefield 6 theory may have just figured out when EA and DICE are dropping the [...]

A new Battlefield 6 theory may have just figured out when EA and DICE are dropping the long-awaited reveal trailer. Back in April, rumors, reports, and leaks suggested the Battlefield 6 trailer would drop in May, and this may have been the plan at one point, but it's not happening. Since this initial speculation, EA and DICE have confirmed the Battlefield 6 reveal trailer won't drop until next month, June. That said, the pair haven't specified when exactly in June the trailer will drop. Amidst this silence, screenshots, audio, and footage of the supposed trailer have been flooding the Internet, and now a new theory may have just cracked the code on when the trailer is actually dropping.

The theory comes the way of prominent Battlefield insider and leaker Tom Henderson, and proposes the trailer will drop on June 8, 2021, which is a Tuesday.

"June 8th is a date that has been rumored for a while, which originated from a Reddit comment of the two un-watermarked trailer screenshots. The title of the Imgur album was '60BEB300' and the leaks were posted 2 days after my drawings," said Henderson.

Henderson continued:

"'60BEB300; in hexadecimal is 1623110400 in decimal and 1623110400 is the timestamp for Tuesday, 8 June 2021. What makes this particularly interesting, is that these leaked images did not feature a watermark, indicating it could have come from someone 'higher up'. June 8th not only follows with past EA Play events (as we know that event is pushed pack), but it also falls on a Tuesday, which is a day in which Battlefield usually uploads news, etc. As for June 10th, well... Summer Game Fest retweeting the 'Soon, June, Boom' tweet doesn't necessarily mean anything, but Summer Game Fest would be the ideal place to not only replay the trailer, but to have developers answering questions that will undoubtedly come from the reveal trailer. This is not a leak - This is just my speculation. But the 60BEB300 thing has definitely piqued my interest, as I know those images unwatermaked have come from someone with more access than most. If this turns out to be true, it also indicates that nothing was actually moved and all along the reveal was intended for June 8th."

As Henderson notes, this is only a theory, but it's a compelling one that makes a lot of sense. Despite, this, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt like any other theory or any bit of unofficial information.

Until we get official information from EA and DICE, be sure to catch up on the latest news, rumors, and leaks pertaining to the new Battlefield game by clicking right here.