Battlefield Mobile Cancelled by EA

Electronic Arts has announced that its Battlefield Mobile title has been cancelled. A beta for the game took place late last year in select regions, but it seems it will not be releasing to the general public. The move comes as EA is looking to "pivot" from its current direction for the series, and find something that will truly appeal to players. In a press release, EA was quick to point out that it remains dedicated to the Battlefield franchise as a whole, and to Battlefield 2042 in particular. As such, fans can still expect to see a lot more from the series.

"We've also made the decision to stop the development of the current Battlefield mobile title. As the industry has evolved and our strategy to create a deeply connected Battlefield ecosystem has taken shape, we decided to pivot from the current direction to best deliver on our vision for the franchise and to meet the expectations of our players," the press release reads. "We remain highly committed to unlocking Battlefield's enormous potential. We're hard at work at evolving Battlefield 2042, and are in pre-production on our future Battlefield experiences at our studios across the globe."

It's unclear whether the move was made based on response to the beta, or as part of an overall change in strategy for EA. The announcement was made alongside a similar decision for Apex Legends Mobile, so it's possible that EA is simply rethinking how it wants to approach mobile versions of its bigger franchises. If this wasn't a decision based on quality, it's a shame players will never get to see what the game had to offer!

For now, Battlefield fans will just have to wait to see what the future holds for the series! Battlefield 2042 had a very rough launch, but EA has been working hard to turn the game around, and make it a more enjoyable experience for players. Thankfully, it seems fans can expect to see a lot more of that in the coming months!

Were you looking forward to Battlefield Mobile? Are you disappointed the game was cancelled? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!