Berserk Is Getting a Board Game

Monolith Board Games is developing a board game on the classic manga Berserk.

A board game based on the classic manga series Berserk is on the way. Today, Monolith Board Games announced they were developing a miniatures board game based on the manga series, which was originally written and drawn by Kentarō Miura. The game feature a "brand-new game system" that is "accessible, rich, and intuitive" and was designed to honor the dark fantasy series. No further details were announced about the Berserk board game and there's currently no timeframe for its release. 

Berserk is a dark fantasy series starring Guts, a brutal swordsman on a path of revenge against his former friend Griffith, who betrayed him and caused the death of most of their former companions. The series features brutal violence and darkly, gorgeous artwork. The series was hugely influential, not only on manga and anime, but also video games and television. In particular, Guts and his oversized Dragon Slayer sword inspired a glut of large sword-wielding heroes, with Guts' Greatsword even making an appearance in every Dark Souls game and Elden Ring. 

Notably, Berserk has continued despite Miura's death in 2021, with his assistants guiding the series based on Miura's notes.

Monolith Games is known for making large box board games, most notably a Batman miniatures game that expanded to include large parts of the DC universe. Monolith has also developed games based on Conan and Solomon Kane, and it's likely that the Berserk board game will include a large number of character and monster miniatures. 

Expect to hear more details on the Berserk game in the coming months. Based on Monolith's history, the game will launch via a large crowdfunding campaign.