BioShock 4 Job Listing Reveals New Details About the Game's World

Last year, 2K confirmed a new BioShock game -- tentatively called BioShock 4 -- was in development [...]

Last year, 2K confirmed a new BioShock game -- tentatively called BioShock 4 -- was in development for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC at Cloud Chamber, a brand new studio created for the sole purpose of making a new installment in the last-gen immersive sim series. That said, unfortunately, it sounds like the game is still quite a ways off, and as a result, 2K and Cloud Chamber haven't said much about the next-gen title. However, we do have some new, somewhat vague details, courtesy of an official job listing for a lead world designer at Cloud Chamber. Now, some have interrupted the details of the listing to mean the game may be open-world, but that's a bit of a stretch. However, there are still interesting tidbits hidden within.

"The Lead World Designer will lead a team in bringing a rich and dynamic game world to life," reads the listing. "You'll contribute to the design and structure of the world and own in detail how the world is populated with memorable experiences that complement the game's main story. You'll also drive forward standards, process, and workflows to fully unlock the creative power of your team and work extensively with the wider team on enacting the gameplay vision through playable content."

Further down in the listing, Cloud Chamber notes it wants someone who loves creating emotional experiences and a richly interactive world:

"You love sitting at the nexus of story, architecture and design. You love games that create a symbiosis between them, and you're motivated by the idea of creating resonant, emotional experiences through gameplay. You care about building a richly interactive world that feels inhabited and genuine. You have a deep understanding of how to create a compelling systemic environment that players are hungry to explore."

As you can see, there's nothing super salient or even incredibly concrete revealed in the listing, but it sounds like BioShock 4 will mimic previous games when it comes to creating a game world, meaning creating a world that feels like a character of its own.

For more news, rumors, leaks, media, and information on the new BioShock game, be sure to check out all of our past coverage of the title by clicking right here.