
Borderlands Players Convinced Borderlands 4 Is About to Be Revealed

Borderlands 4 could be revealed next month.

Borderlands players are convinced that Gearbox is going to reveal Borderlands 4 soon, and they may be right. That said, you will need your tinfoil hat for this one, because there is some serious dot connecting involved. As one fan points out over on Reddit, the official Borderlands Twitter account recently posted a recap video of the first game, kinda out of nowhere. This was a little odd, and then a week later they did the same thing, but with Borderlands 2. If they do this for the entire series, from the pre-sequel to the most recent release, going every week, they will conclude on March 12th. One week later on the 19th is PAX East, a major gaming event and where Borderlands 3 was announced.ย 

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“The official Borderlands twitter just posted another recap, this time of Borderlands 2, one week after their recap of Borderlands,” reads the Reddit theory. ย “With PAX approaching, if they keep up this cadence, and assuming they do recaps for all Borderlands games, that would give us the Pre-Sequelย recap on the 20th, Tales from the Borderlandsย on the 27th, Borderlands 3 on the 5th, and New Tales on the 12th — all leading to a Borderlands 4ย announcement on the 19th, the week of PAX East, where Borderlands 3ย was announced. Or, I’m a foolish monkey looking for signs where there aren’t none.”

Now, it’s important to note, there is a decent, if not strong, possibility this person is indeed a foolish monkey like they suggest, as we are as well for believing it is possible. Whatever the case, the theory has caught the attention of Borderlands fans.ย 

The only other piece of relevant information here is a tweet from the series’ Lead Community Manager. Quote tweeting the first recap video, they said the following: “I love that you’re all excited about some reused assets.” This was followed by the dead emoji. This may take some sail out of the winds of the theory above, but it is too vague to say that definitively. Nonetheless, it is a relevant bit of info to include.

Of course, take all of this speculation with a grain of salt and remember it is nothing more than speculation. Borderlands 4 is inevitable for numerous reasons, but who knows when it will be revealed. It has been five calendar years since the release of Borderlands 3, so enough time has passed, but don’t forget Gearbox during this time made and released both Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and New Tales from the Borderlands, though the latter seems to have been handled by a satalite studio and not the main team.ย