
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Seemingly Confirmed by Activision

It looks like Activision may have just confirmed in a roundabout way that it’s gearing up to release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 later this year. Currently, Activision has only broadly stated that it will be launching a new Call of Duty title in 2023, but hasn’t said anything further about what this game will entail. Fortunately, for those that wanted an “official” confirmation of some sort about this year’s CoD game, it looks like we’ve been given as much.ย 

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As of this morning, a number of leaked images from what was claimed to be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hit the internet. These images in question didn’t reveal a whole lot, but they did happen to feature our first looks at gameplay from the title. Although some questioned the legitimacy of these pictures, not long after these leaks appeared, Activision itself swooped in and put a copyright strike on the images. With this in mind, it seems clear that these screenshots are very much from Modern Warfare 3 or else Activision wouldn’t have been able to get them taken down.ย

To further verify this point, in the DMCA strike that one leaker received, it was said that the reason for the removal was because they shared “leaked content from unreleased video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.” In short, it’s now more blatantly apparent than ever that MW3 is going to be 2023’s installment in the Call of Duty franchise, even though Activision itself is being tight-lipped for the time being.ย 

At this point, it remains unknown when Activision will choose to formally announce Modern Warfare 3. Given that fall is quickly approaching, it stands to reason that a proper announcement of MW3 will take place at some point in the coming month. Whenever that reveal does happen, we’ll be sure to share the news with you here on

Are you excited to see more of what Activision has in store with its 2023 Call of Duty game? And how do you feel about Modern Warfare 3 coming about so quickly after Modern Warfare 2? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.ย