Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Already Removing Maps for Bad Spawns

Several Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 maps have already been pulled from the rotation.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer mode has not even been out for a full day yet, and already, maps are being removed from the map rotation due to problematic spawns. Players were naturally quick to notice these spawn issues in certain maps shortly after the game's multiplayer component first became playable Thursday night and in the wee hours of Friday morning, and the developers have since responded so some of the early complaints by removing Quarry, Rundown, and Scrapyard from the Hardpoint playlists with Karachi also temporarily pulled from the Cutthroat game mode. No indication of when these game modes will be back has been given yet.

The Call of Duty Updates Twitter account (which you should probably be following at least for the first weekend of Modern Warfare 3 if you'll be playing) alerted players to the removal of the maps on Thursday and Friday. Given that these are all maps from the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, there's a good chance they're some fan-favorites, but those who enjoy them will have to wait until the spawn issues are resolved to see them back in the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Maps Removed

The trio of Hardpoint maps were pulled from the playlist first with Karachi exiting the rotation for the time being shortly afterwards. Those first three maps had fallen victim to "unfavorable spawns," according to the Modern Warfare 3 devs, while the latter, Karachi, had an issue where players were spawning alongside enemies.

If you didn't get to play on those maps yet within those specific playlists, it looks like you should consider yourself lucky, for now. Players shared clips of what spawns looked like on some of these maps such as the clip from FaZe Linkzy below that shows how one game on Quarry went.

Other Modern Warfare 3 Issues

In addition to the helpful notices from the Call of Duty Updates Twitter account, there's also a Trello board that's been set up for these exact kinds of situations to show what's being worked on. That Trello board currently mentions the problems with the spawns on the four maps as well as the following issues that are being investigated right now: 

  • Minimap red dots do not indicate player elevation.
  • Bombsite A can be planted from an unintended location on Terminal Search and Destroy
  • After Infil, Field of View can be set higher than expected.
  • Upon consuming a 2XP Token, the UI often gets stuck at "Activating Token."

Those issues are annoying considering the game just launched, but on the bright side, the Trello board also counts 14 different problems that have already been resolved including one that prevented players from getting rewards in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer modes.

The Modern Warfare 3 devs have not yet indicated when these affected maps will be back in their respective playlists' rotations.