Call of Duty: Warzone Streamer Loses Gulag Fight In the Best Way Possible

Losing a Gulag fight in Call of Duty: Warzone is a terrible way to go since it means you [...]

Losing a Gulag fight in Call of Duty: Warzone is a terrible way to go since it means you essentially got outplayed in a head-to-head match against another player, but sometimes, other players around you can actually influence the match. That's exactly what happened during one Warzone streamer's recent battle in the Gulag when Timothy "TimTheTatman" Betar was sent to the Gulag and ended up losing his match not because of his main opponent but because of a well-timed throw of a rock. The outcome was perhaps better than actually winning the Gulag fight anyway since it created the perfect clip-worthy moment.

TimTheTatman was streaming Warzone on Thursday alongside fellow streamers Doug "DougisRaw" Wolf and Guy "Dr Disrespect" Beahm when he was sent to the Gulag during a Trios match in the Call of Duty game. Throughout the stream, TimTheTatman had been touting his record in the Gulag by saying how he didn't lose when gets sent there. After being sent there again, he told Dr Disrespect to keep an eye on him since he was going to show people why he's called "Gulag Gary."

The clip below shows how that Gulag fight went down. It wasn't a testament to "Gulag Gary," but the moment resulted in a pretty funny clip regardless.

As those who've played Warzone and spent time in the Gulag will know, spectators who wait for their turn in the pit can toss rocks from the hallways overlooking the actual arena. A player looking down on the combatants either saw the Proximity Mine TimTheTatman had laid down or got a lucky throw, but either way, they managed to set it off and kill the streamer. The person on the outside of the fight even got credited with the kill.

Those rocks do only a bit of damage and are more useful for looking to see where they land since that probably means a player is in that area, but as we've seen before, these rocks can be much more lethal than the annoyances they typically are. It's one of the rarest ways for a Gulag fight to end, but it's a fair part of the system in place with the rock-throwing encouraged by the game's narrators once players get sent to the Gulag.